-rwli. IHtliirlnalV fthnnlra -Roll fTnnald-. Jnhn I fUciittnai. 1 Sayer Sidney 3 Shannon John Sormner Geo Special Uantimg ana fixiljaagf (Eljieaga STrthnnCo DnenurD now ai onuior vr a npear Aiewi vy Selvsge Frank Scott Waits Sickes 8 VT Sawyer Samuel ShermanlorenzoStev-frs 3 I A Scott Fred Scott mr 8 agin 'MONDAY. DECEMBER 13, 18t.
FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF CHICAGO. 1 tvathweat corner oi Laka at Clark-U. patld Im Stone John. 8impon Chas Streeter Serene Franklin SpokefeelerSte- TO 1 HE liADIEt? I.IST Or LETTEHS. as.
Leon ouserMarth a Bmiaa Lewis Mary 6 mrs Leonard A miss Lewis Rachel mat Leonia Barah mrs Leonard Lra mrs 1 Lewis mrs Lewis Emma miss Linscott Hophia A mrs Lindsley Lottie miss i Under tlsher mrs Littleson mrs Lacks Mary mrs Long Bridget miss i Loan Mary mrs Long Barah miss SAM'L M. KlGUBdOIi. Vice Pres't K. M. BKarrrxD, Cashiat.
Strong Geo phen StembackSlm-m SwIsehelmHenrySros-ai 8 9 capt Steele Saroael -Stringer FH Sloan Starr SH Stringer RichsTdSimmons Chas EStack TnomssA, Steams Chas A Sierp Stone Frank Lenls Benuimln mrs Lalor mis I ynch Catherin miss Leonard mrs Lck mrs Lynch Margaret mrs Lent AxniKy mrs Lsmmey Catherine mrs' Laid Jane mrs -Lawson LouisarTinn La conn All mrs Lamont Annie mrs Lazell Delia mrs Langan Mary mrs Lap on Elizabeth mrs Lswlis ancy Laheg Nellie A miss Leopole Mary mrs Lssy mrs Larey Callia miss Lapers Jennie miss Lee sev miss Mone Leantier Kemp a strong Geo Son -l $100 REWARD FOB A MEDICINE THAT WILL CURB COUGCS, INFLUENZA, TICKLING in the THROAT, WHOOPING COUGH, Or Reliefe Consumpihe Coughs, AS QUICK A3 DR. DUPONCO'S NATION- Cso-c- More Throat. Add tern dr-p ot Da. T. B.
Tuvt'i Ma-oiOATm Lilian toaplDtcf cold water. end use a rgie pat ft wet e.oui arouas Jour Beck when you -t re. atfi For ale eyeiy-h--t-e. B. T.
BABBITT, Role Aril, fcUM-lM Hair Dye Hair ly BACHELOR'S celebrated HAIB DTK Ts mi wous. The only Hiin. Tt-s end RaLi-i ABU Dye knows. Tula splendid Hair Dye I Part eet ehaacea Bed. Rusty or Gray Bir Instant ly.to a Ouhwt B-acx and Natt-sal B.
withimt tujur-- In( (fee Hstr or staining the skin, lea-rtugtbe Hair soft -and beau-lful; imparts free, vitality. Irt-quenUy restoring Its pristine olor, and rectitlea the 111 effects ot Dtm. The tieni-lne to aliened WILLI AM A. BACHELOR, all others are mere Imitation and should "be avoided. Sold bv ail DrtLijflatavfce.
Factory 81 "Barclay atreet. New Yore. Bachelor' New Toilet Cream for Dressing the Hair. acjSasns-iy way la ORTI1WESTERN EeatoJchn Boys) Thomss Bockicgham Blackburn JnoPBracksttG Byrick Peter Beam Leopold Bropari Thomas Bnrch 3 dr i Beachy Joi)ialfF3Brarlley Efed Botterdeld BeilonJohn Boot Edwin. Burroughs Ea Bennet JosephTBoylin Robert gens 1.
Bear Joseph Brainin Newiil Burhams Elachwell John Bradley Thomas EeattyJcmes Bowen 8 dr Bush Beckerly 1 cs Bonfleld Bcrkeness Ge HocVett EristolRC CI Blair corn Breese Bornhim ThosH Dick Psl AEoreckey Jan BeckmgtonThos co BoyongtonDel Bullocks Benton Earry Brooks Buck lieut Billmcs Wm ltBowen Patrick Bnlklcy George Bene Henry Cony Burb It Bircham j.eorrBioadw-ay Chas Bncklandit Bickaell arBrooks Charles Butler Johav Bhckwell a hos BornnerPercey Bristol Henry BelfieVd 1 somas Bull Henry 1 Bennet George Bond Charles Bunco Jo Bickferd Boddy Burdell John Blakely Francis Boston Charles Butler Wm Fod'iy Charles Banbnre Wm Beemfsh Francis BorchertCharley Benton Leonard Blair EDI Brhun Artluu Brassell Edward Beckly Bonbaro co Burchard John Bennett Chas Borroll Andrew Black Willie Beach Emulus Brooks Drson Barker Chas Bemston Briggs Baker Albert i Black rev Brosseaa Peter Bassett A Brooks Wt BellGLdr Hastings nr 3 Hamilton Henry Huntley Hawks George hon Hawkins tf HarolTtonBTA How Willia-n 8 Hart 8 Healey James nopklns 1 Hani ock mr Hennisbttts Jas Holli lay Wm Hastings Camp- HefTeman Jas Hull William bell HainJA HolandJohn Hawk Renben Hamilton James Hoxio John Iiajnee Richard Hedges Isaac A HrfghesJohnnyE HbyticnRNelsonHagan James Houghton Janass awl Firman Beliekcr JosephHurdsdeld John Harris EM Hanlin John HuleitJ Harvev SolevnonHall Joseph 8 Howe Jeremiai Harting Jr red HeselUne JohnB i IncIetonGeo IvetLD Irwin Nathl Jnnls Henry Iugersoll J3 Ingram capt Inlier Jno Ingraham captlnman Parley jr i joe-try oo J-roson Jenbnrg Junes Jndd Jc-kns Siml Jones lieut Jewell Thomas- Jewell Thomas Just Joyce Thomas Jacobs Ed Jordan Judson rev Jane Jones Chas JolinsonM-irtin Jores Thomas Johnson Jones St coM JewettSeoW J-icobe Abraham Johnston mr JameaTWdr Jones AC Jones Wm Jones Owes Johann'P Bv Johnson Wm Johnston Geo Johnson A Jefferson 11 Johnson Edw-irdJortlan oSOlcott Jackson Wm Jewell- Rioud If Johnson Owen Hon Jordan Ed Jones Tobey .1 cues John Jameson Johnson, Farns- AX.BASK OFCmi AKO. nnsy Geo pnepneru vr -Mevenscnar Soper Alfred Span 1 ding Ss co Stead John 3' Simpson Geo Sweetee-n John Spring George 8kinnertco WS weeny Timothy Snow (3eo cap Sterland John Sterling John Simmons Geo Sullivan Daniel Stack Garrett Sibblt Harry Sweet Hirent Still John IttKASUKi uaraBTiusnT, Office oL Comptroller ot the c-arrency. AsaiMeTon, Aaxost 30. 1864. TThrs nas trr aarlsfmettirs smlMiCfe areeented to LETTERS REMAINING UNCLAIMED In the Poet Office at Chicago.
State of Illinois, on the 10th day of IK-cember, 1N64. To obtain any of these letters, the applicant most call for ADnimaiD letts.rs,' give the dnte of this list, and pay one cent for advertising. rjf If not called for within month, they will be eent to the Dead Letter Office. Letter are not advertised until they have remained in the otQoe one week. -1 1.
DIRECT letters plainly to the street and number, as well as the Poet Office and Bute. "4. HEAD letter with the writer's PonOmoi and Stat, nutr and tern plainly with foil name, and reqneet the answers to be directed accordingly. g. Letters to strangers or tnuiBient visitors la a town or city, whose special address may be unknown, should be marked, in the lower left-hand Lnken Rachel mis Lowrey Charlott A mrs i Lundy Snsan mias Love Geo mrs Lynch Hannah mrs 1 Lyon Katie miss GOLDEN Sim-Mrs John PpearAsaR.
SaeerHK Speat John bowersby Fran- Stows Jr SourbyJohn cis Sullivan Hugh 8irley John Stewart JosephBStorey James B' Lee Eilie miss Macfeev John mrs Mills Anna nan. enow j-osepn squier uenry r-trance 2onn L. locum Jehu Anthony rHocklo-oAco Jo Sivelle Wm 3 Sweet Alliert Stowy Joha Sleeper Wm A Sullivan Phillip John Spencer Sweetzer StocktowHenryP parks Stevenson DavidStewsrt John PERIODICAL PILLS, ndersucned. It baa been made to appear that th Northwestern Nstlonal Bank of fhleafO, In the City ot Cbicaro, County oi Cook and btat of llllnolPi, has been duly unier and acccrlnj; to the requirement ot the act oi Congress entitled '-An act to Provide a National Currency, secured by a pledge of I'nlted States Bonds and to proytde JT the Circulation and Redemption tbereoir1 approred June 3d. 1864.
and has compiled with all ol the rioTiaions of said act required to ba compiled with belor comrnfm. lng auai-neF of banklnr under said act. Now. ihoreloro, nuaa McCrxixOT. CoraptrolleT Of the Currency, do hereby certlfj that the Nijrthwea.
ern Rational Bank ol In the City of Chtcaso. Coooty of Coofc.nd state of Illinois. Is authorised to commence. the business of banldsi under the act aforesaid. In terttmonr whereof, wttness ny bawl and seal of office this thirtieth day ol lM.
feovtseal.l HUtaH MOtTJLLOCH. rioa.viVia.snt rvrnTitroi'er of I'mrenev Lcorner, with the word Sidebothsm Stickers Cose Stevens COL'S COUGH BALSAfJ. Simon John SquiersC Sweeney William Blakesly DavidCBriggs i Bell -Jones John A Jones worth co Epileptic Kits tu be Cared. Dr. Lock-row having become eminently successful la curing toU terrible maUdv, invite all similarly 1-Ulcted to call or send for circulars or references and eatiTnoflli of numerous ease oiiered ol from one to sweaty-four awn' standing.
He devote hi attention -especially to aiaea-wsot the Cerebro Sutnal Aiu, ot aolrciia all Inw-stlgatloa of his -claim to public confidence. Re mar be consulted at 111 private residence. 141 Went Fortv-SAcond street, tally (roar 1 a. m. nntll 4 p.
exempt Saturday and Bunday. Address all letter to DR. V. B. LOCklBO W.
Xew York, can of P. O. Box Si. A ParrnoLoetoAI. Vrm-w or As ia a Containing l-ACB tne postage msr on jun urns rioht-hajid oorner, and leavh spaob between the stamp and direction for post-ma it kimq without interfering with the writing.
B. A BEQUEST for the RKTTJBS of a letter to the writer, if unclaimed within 30 days or lees, written or printed with the writer's ham a. Poor Orrica and Btatk, across the left-hand end of the envelope, on the face side, will ba complied wlLh at the nsnal repaid rate of postasre, payable Mnrky Ann miss Mad son Mary mis Maloy Mary rors -Mollory mrs Hisbon Mnrgret mrs Mull on Ellen A miss Mays Lnzen mrs Mapgtone Mary mist Marsh Geo mrs Marshall lira miss Daniel mrs Marvin Ilattie mrs Martin Henry mrs Martin Mary mrs Mauice Mary mrs Marion Mary mrs Mellen AngnsUtLmrs Meyer Jane mrs Milane Anna mrs Spear SB StsrrettDCS Stapp 3 Spalding OLmrStarretl Samnel Stewart Wm rare Stevens Ambers Strong William SpragueA Ji Smart Wm Sleepes Sc Nor- Stone Squire ton 3 Stnchlick Fran- S-toutenger Sloan A A cis 3 SufvesterWia FOR FEMJLES. OVER 50,000 BOTTLES i.iHlteslee rariiet uuujcaarusuan Blake Chas 8 Brophy JohnB Brooks A Blackwood ChsaBrooks Manuel Boston Chas I Bearaw Brown Webster Bryan Geo 8 Bishop Aria tea Browm drBrsyton Isaac Beat Brown Chas LBooth James Benedict, Malony Brown Lee Rory Bruce A 4 co Brown Chas aViBolandWm Black Acgnstus co BoUoniWHcapt Spragne Allel- Sweet Stocks Johnson John A KanfTtnan lientKKelloeV Frank EKerneT John Knight A dr Kennety 8 KenneiTy Jno Knott Alex KennicottFL Knott Jno -King Ss co Fre- Kibbey Geo Kerr John 8 man Kennedy Geo- Kellv Jas Kittoe llcnt col Kenaston Geo HKecfe John EDS -Ketterhans Geo Kris Jno Knowlton NSW Kohn Wn Keane Anthony Kennedy TbosHKnight Wmr kin. inthiB Kirldv Geo Kendall Wm i .1 Km Deri A r-corgis rawara awnt Liacius Sneer Andrew Slack Gerald Shaw Josepa nearly KO paxes and 100 ane plate ami engravings ot Bave been sold la It native town, and not single Instance of Its failure is known.
We bave tn our possession any quantity ot eerUS-eates, some of them trom Slensby Patrick HUBS 1UO iu wuvu.vaww mp i Law of 1863." LADIES' XIST. TtISEASES OF THE EYE, EAR, BlgelOW A A Drown jjvubs nuwa Boston ChriatianBrown James Ms TbTont and Lnnca, are aneecamny carci apoa Bov William Brown wows Henry Taylor 3 Thtwrrpson "An- Tromvwjll Oliver Taylor Gillrrsm- drew co new and philosophical stem ot medical practice br Rnrna James- Brown Henry Bowden Wm aDM'qnji oi tne Human t-rgans in a state ut anna saod Dtaeaai-e. with a trealiae on Early Errors, lUOfr pioreble Cooae-juence ntnie the mind and Bodv, wita 'tile Author's Plan ot Treatment toe only rational and c-seeful mode of cure, as shown by the report of aseatret-d. Atrathfa1 adviser to the married and the cop lem plating marriage, wbo entertain doubt their po steal condition. Sent free of postage to mv addi-ess on receipt of jft cent lu stamp or postal -currencr.
br addre-stfa-g Dr. LA :KuiX.n Maiden Lane. Albany. N. T.
Keisev M. Brown Burns Patrick antes James EMINENT PLTYSICIA3TS, Boyle IT. LA. MACIUlK. IJ pajwu.
win rc irmirn au.ii Uv nstlent it cured. Ir. MaoRajb to an eatabtlshed Barrett Frank. Miller Emma miss Mills WNinrs Miller Lizzie miss Milles Mary miss Mitchell mrs Mitchell Eliza miss I Mitchell Christina miss Moncll Anna mrs Monroe Elizabeth miss Montgomery Alms miss Mooney Mary mrs Mondine Paul mrs Morehouse mrs Morrison Mary mrs Morton Jane miss Moriarty Mary MosaaMary fi miss Moore Jas mrs Moore Carrie mrs Moore mrs Mulroy mrs I Murphy Jane miss "Mnggiil miss Murphey Margret Murphey Hannah miss Murphey Jane miss Myrel Jenny miss Myer Auensta miss Morse Carrie miss Mullin Mary mtas Martin Mary miss WcT McDooongh Mary mrs McDonald Christia miss McGearth Louisa miss McGillRCmrs McGonnell Susan mrs McGulre Mary miss McGondal mrs McGary Jane miss McGillis Flora miss McGrevy Catherin miss 1 McGrsthSmtss) Burns wm rsrviititm fbT mt-vivMnr ior lourien rears, urace si Braun wm Brooks Wm B-iuoy i nomas rvuowitoit w. Kiaker Thomas Kelly Wil'iam Knowlton Harry Kinsman WE Kendall ThomasKirtley Wm Kin? Horace 3 Kennon Wm 1 14 S.
Cblcjuio. P.O. Box 115. D.MACKAI, KeUey A Knox A rev Kinne A Com Kidser Kennedy Phfll Bonng John Whe bave used tt In their practice, snd (Ivan It pre-eminence over any other compound. Alvord Artelissia miss Anthony Albert mrs Anderson Kitiie miss Ameebnry Emetine mrs Anderson Lord mrs -Anderson Martins miss Ayer Lillie i i-Tt x-i 13 i-i la ccrrectir-j.
Irre-jTilaritie, rtrnd-v-ing Obstruction- of the Monthly Turns, irom whatever and always, successful as a Preyentive. Andrns Amy mrs Adams Jennie miss Adcr LoretUtmiss Ahleton Mary miss Adams Emma miba Adleman Joseph mrs Akera Wm mrs Aleveon mm Burns Thomss- Butler 8 Burns Hara A-Burnham co Bundy Burns John Buck Burns Jas Bush Richard Ttnms LaWrenceBurtis John Hop. Kelly Miles Kinley Jas Boaen soon Both John Merrill Geo A mrs Marvin Carrie mrs Merrill Sarah miss Miller Martha mrs Miller Cate miss Miller miss Miller Josephene miss Miller Margretmra -Mills EW mrs Miller Louisa miss Mills Elizabeth mrs Miller Maria miss Mnnay 6 mrs McCalllpott Mary mrs iUeUicinal. Bodv John Dr. James.
Formerly ot Junes Bospitst, Cnstr Keohane Phill HKarman Jas Kearney Peter Eendie Hsuse atreet. It does not dry up a Cough I Bouch Joseph Atkins mrs ttremsn amea 9 Bvron 1 hos At 1R. 91AKKS Kay MA Knecktly Keaty Matthew Kellogg Myron Kenny Lyman Kelly John Kemwhty John Allen Turner mrs Avery A mrs Hocking James Byron James Bourland James Burke Allexson Caroline mrs Avery cuen mrs But loosens It, so as to sable the patient lo expectorate ireeiy. Bruner 3 capfc Bnrke Michael Clare James "Avers Phil Burn Kimpien Keefe Jas Kimble Charles Kannedy Jas King Chas Kay-Jas Kirk Price Kelser Jas Keyee DBS Keteheson Jas Kil pal rick FrankJ-Lipling Jas Kanbehe Ed- Kingswell If Aldrich Ida miss SYPHILITIC CURE. Avoir Lizzie miss Atkinson Catherine mrs Callahan John Cirey c.i...
ink. n-icbsnman Allen Mary mrs I Alley Mary mrs Kiernan Thomas' Chute r.Hs,.i,mx Anh.mbers Geo EChirill John Kelley John ward Kain John Kipling David KnightWm'M: ty located st tKand ph utreet, Ctaicuo, IIilMta. Sp--rUlttvt la tt trfttmcnt of Old i'noxic. MikCVKUL, acaorexoir and all kin-Is ot Blooo asb sk.iv 1i- XAWAJtD DltiODa. COSTAOIODS VlNlRIAL CuAkACi bk.
cores ihem wjUiout re)rtiiic to Merc -XT, oona. PoTaSBii, arsrTitc or poteon. bnt with a NatiTT tti iTii, a roaixiTs ecu tor all aamors and Oaevio Wii.mM.tneb aa Seminal WeakTie, Mortarnal at4 iMnrntl broturht on by ot the Y9ttm, wj in-1t4ertiioi. exceaa or eataiiPd twedltarisy. canaiDg lose ot atexDory, confaalon.
d-resaloa. tlimnena, abd oftentimes inanity, with other trsinB ot stnptma. tmted nl radically ard by ao Infallible method, savin much time and pxpense. 4iet. Gonorrhea, Mrtetor and all diseases fccnliar to the sexes, of a privata nature, radically KingS layior tvoners nompsoncravia i erry escieaver Tavlor Frank Turner John Tuber Geo-S-Tavlor John dr Tnrner Jerrme Toole John Taylor Jos 3 Teets Franklin 3 Tavlor John 8 Turner ES Tabor Nicodem Taylor Lyman PTurner Enos Terney A Thompson Turner Thos Taber Thos dr Turner TallmadgeJ I Thompson SThemas Geo Terble 1 hompson Mar- Thomas A Terwilliger ht tin Tunie F.
Tiffany fi A Thsmpson A Tnttle Tucker Oris Thompson Turnes Tracy A Thompson Fran-Turn -rTh-ma Tcdey A cis A Todd Henry Thorp A Cham- Thompson Jo Todd Benj berlain hanie Thayer dr Travis David Tyler Trier Henry Travis Peter Thompson GSTacker Henry Turney Patrick Towle Tifft George Tilson James Tompkins Taber Thos Tinny Trill, Ciiss Tradwell Geo ATowne John TownsendCC Tate Wm TnckerJohn rev Tobey Troy John Tiflany EV Tilton Thoe Todd Wm 3 Tower EH Thayer Geo- Trusty Ttvoo Thornton JaraesTurney Tomson Gov 8 Triblcy Tompkinson Mr Tombs Tom True James FncTerwood tt SUsher James FJpp John Vfiuer Frank Bancroft 8 mrs Beck A miss Karney John I. Casey jonn ciars-u Casey Clark dr Christian John Cappes Samnel JChessman Chapin John Carey JH Clark John 3 ClappJCCo ncxionneii ruiae nusa McCarty Katie miss McClary Ann miss McArtbnr MI mrs McAnlee Barry mrs McAlister Lizzie miss McAdams A mrs McAlister Honors mrs Leos--rd LannlyGeo Larton Harris Loiran Charles TWO OR THREE DOSES Will iBTtrUMy tire TlrMlng la the Threat. A HALF BOTTLE has otten completely curetf She most Stubborn Cough. Ltpham HarvyLanlor Geo campoen caning Tlcl Callens Dennis LCusbiug Geo Chase Ira Caridson DanielCooley ThompChurch Drie rau. A.
Challner Henrv Bee be Mary A miss Brown Emma miss Burns Mary Ann mrs Burns mrs Burrows Emma mrs Bo be Sarah mrs Bailey mrs Burton Salome mrs Briggs Helen miss La Baum CB Lewis David i Leedom HamptnLucass dr 3 Leavitt Harry Langwhay Peter LavinJohn Lequere Chas Lawrence Wm JLurton dr Lewis Loarden Dennis McCollum Mil mrs MeC'oelin Malinda Casel Jacob Cook Close Henry McGeary Margaret mrs McCarty Honora miss Leonard Ledger Robert Lance It is now over thirty years slncetbr shove celebrat ed Pills were tret dlsooveren by Da. Dcrosoo, Parts, during which time they have been extensively sad successfully need In most of the public Institutions as well tn private practice ol" both hemtt pberes, with unparatletat atsccest Ot et-srw oaas, where the directions have beea correctly followed, aa thousands or ladles tn this city, and turoagh-MU the land-are dally testifying. T'belr Ceutnositloa i Bsa secret. The Proprietor takes pleasnre In giving his medio brethren, and all othen interested, any Information in regard to the Ingredient composing these Pills, a well a Aoto and traea they should be need. I am dally receiving the thanks and gratitude of THOUSANDS OF LADIES from all part of the world.
Casaedy Hugh Conutock Carr Henry Conger Mccarty cauerin rules McCartv Ellen mrs MCllany juary mrs Mclntyre J. mrs Lun on James Lyman Bennlngham Annie miss Berney Margaret Bennett Barah mrs Bennett Clara miss Bird Bridget Bird Mstty A mrs Bassett mrs Barney Belle mrs Bnrke Reynolds mrs Bidwell Austin mrs Bin? Augnta miss Blair Caroline miss Bluin Catherine miss Blaine Emma miss Blake Sue rors Blanchard Elliot mrs BlackweU mrs Iliac km tn mrs Blair Helen mrs Blackman Ella miss Bodiey Susan A mrs Bod well Esther mrs Largdos Lamoo John IMcflne 'Welnelfred miss McKuero Ellen Spray Francis Lombard This Eledicine la a Safe and Kadieal Care for Syphilis in the Primary, Be- condary and Tertiary stages, and is the most important Kedical BisctrT ery of the Nineteenth Century. From time tramemorlal there has existed In all large cities a contatrloua btXL'AL DldfcAsE, called kY-PU1IXIS, which depends upon a special cause, that ot 1 a distinct ViUL'b, which, is capable of transml-wiloa by lnnocutntlon. DR. MARKS' BTPHTLrTIC CTIRE to the only medicine which has ever been discovered that WILL CURE SYPHILITIC and VENEREAL DISEASES In all their varied and complicated forma, and thoroughly eradicate the disease from the svstem.
This destructive disease, which has baffled the skill of our most eminent phvslrians, and caused MILLIONS to be consigned to PKkMATI KE GRAVES, or to drag out a miserable existence while life lasted, Is as readily cured br THIS- T3 ONLY TRUE any other SIMPLE 1 OHM ot disease. YPHILIS Is characterised by three distinct STAGES the BvmDloms of each and the rices of the med- ClappFreu.J Chirch Chapman EH Clumunl Felix Clifford A Cheever Chu-jtnan carpenter ueo cooper uugn Carmody ITios Collins John Campbell Geo Cf'orbitt John Ann yet, though II ao sure andaaipcedy In Its opera-ttmts, Is perh-ctly harmiiaas, heliii- purely vegcuhl. 1 1 is very Agreeable to the Tnsle, and may be admiaft. Brown margaret mrs Babcock Jennie A miss Bailey Armilla miss Loehard Thomas McClelland Laura tries McLaughlin Mary miss McCagnin Lilly miss McLaughlin Sallie miss McDowell A mrs McLaughlin mrs i Old diseases of the MOST BORKIBLR CLAM, where the blood baa become poisoned, producing blotches on the fare, small watery blisters, pntns In the head and cones, aiccrated throat, nose, limbs and body, scrota-la, together with an endless number of sufferings. Lrr.
James Is recommenued by the press generally ot tte South, the medical lacutty. and professors ot med aal colleges, etc. Those affile ted should apply imms-dlateli, and be cored bt these horrible diseases. Rem'emher. Dr.
James' Oitice an i Parlors are at a ftandolnh. between state and Dearborn streets. Office open from a. m. until ap.
m. Consultations gcsH den Oal. de-a914-iw in c-uxs oft'ROLV we will guarantee a curt tt tasen tn season. Carlisle FranklihConneii dames Campbell Geo Casey James Carson Clark Wm flurbineaPV fnmerrin Bailie carrie mrs Badger Nellie miss a Buker Fanny miss Bune Mary Ann mrs Larmon Edward Laid James Lilly Franklin Lewis Ira 3 Lambeth SamlWLenibasket Jas Leavitt 8 Lad SS Lee John Lenden csptChasLane Isaac Lewis Allen Lamb Wm Lee George Lester l.liiclsav ThomasLithvon Choltrou Church Dan McDongall James mrs McLane Martha A mrs McDonald Isabella miss McLane Mary mrs McDonald Jennie miss MCiNarney John mrs Lonquevilie Loeman James Lonyer Lncas Isaac Lodge John Lyoh Joseph n.evrir Carroll Michael Class 3 .1 1 I Karamore Carrie miss Babcock Helen mrs Bagginton Anna mrs Bailard Malissa miss Barnes list tie miss Lucas cseter unurcniu mat wuuaiwi-ir Cayserly PatrickChase ClUe Andrew Castalloc Clark Wm Cannon Viall John VanDuzer JacobVaa Doozor Al-Vanetta John Van Tyne bert Vallt-r AnthonyVarney RichardVanGamellNaert Vibert Joseph liValerP Van Wyck SB I en-ruin Geo A Lawier Maurice Loomis II. BIGELOW.
In substantial term or this great and 91ost iDvalualile Remedy For all those afflicting eotnplainta a0 peculiar to the teg, vis ldf-tresslng and Painful Menstruation. Re Nettleton Jane miss Nealader miss Nerly Farry miss kelson Hannah miss Barrow Martha mrs Baker Mary mrs Leste ThorApeonLeonard MathewLowry Joseph IabHb A Ijimh Jshs Lvford Henrv A Nolan Cnlia rors Nolan Mary miss Noland mrs Norton Nathaniel mrs Norris mrs Norton Adella miss Norton Ctemie miss North Sallie mrs Kiclne per PACKAGE Is irlven, so that persons In the Barry Catherine miss Baker Henry mrs Coafidential Lee honias Larkin MicheaelLyman Martin Bockee Minnie mrs Banon Hannah mrs Cassel A Clark Peter Chapin ahum Csnnon Clark CAN Clark Nathaniel CamellBen (lark Philip Carr LafayetetS Carpenter A WHClark Charles Campbell Wm Casey John Clark George Cannon 8 Calegin 'I homasClark Francis Carroll i Xo Family Shttild be vrlthoiit tt. It is within the reacs of all, the price being OIVEY 40 CEXTS. And if sn imTslmrrit nod flmroaeh trisl rtrf mo4 'bsrk up" the above sttatenif-n, tliA mnne will be rstuudetl. Ve Mr this knowBK tt mTiu, snrt ttri.
coiitideot ttast one irtml will sccttro tor bouie im Neylon Lizzie miss Ntt I -ton Jennie miss Barrett Maggie mrs Leavitt TJ Lee rancts umevi Lee George 3. Lyons Haley Lock Bart Cynthia mrs Nichols Martha mrs Norton mrs Lieonara uett ai aaiw aua-s i-- eonmrv can oroer ine meuicine, tana remit lac money, which Is recommended to core the particular stage oi the disease with which they sutler. THK FIRST, or PRIMARY STAGES Ot Syphilis Is when the chancres or mceis first appear. No time should be lost in procuring a package of DR. MARKS' Sii ULLllIc: CIKK, which consists or one bottle "byphlUiie Cure," one box Pi, Is, on a bottle Wash, Booth Caroline L.
mrs Bonn Mary mrs Boise Earnest mrs Boices mrs Boone Ellen mrs Watson Warrous Weir Walworth Wardle Jos rev Waite Henry Wear John Walker Weston Jno captWalkeep Warne John Wallace Wane John Ware James Welch Thos Walsh John Welch Wn Wade Welch John Weich Welsh lintnk AntrelLock Lemon Barton Cora miss Bay Henry mrs Bassett Sarah Louisa ciai dames ulcki ut Oje-rmanSS Clark Joseph Cassell Jolui Defferier Loucks WataonB Lamb be ecasnl'ed at kts offlee. ITS Ponth Clark street, corner of Monroe, Chicago, Half a Week fnn fhe PostofBce, on all Chronic DIs 1) Uen.es ol ft private sad delicate naiare to both sexte. ahlcb he ire-. la with unparalleled snores. Booms separate, where di't and l.entlemeri can consult the Doctor with the str.cti'st privacy.
Ottloe boars rrctn a. m. to m. bundays, 10 to a. conndentlal.
Consnllation tree. Address Pctolhce Bos 154. Inclose two stamps nd gel his oe to He'th Bonham nrrs Bates Mary mrs csustic, rtrusn, soap, sponge ana cant. carpenter a ciars jonn a Cornell Cowel Chas Cnskman 8am-Cornell Jason Cov Chas nel Webb George MavnardJohn Moore James Hetcalf Joseph Moore mol Welch Elias Wells James Mason Edwin Beecher RoxasnaF miss xBonden Mary miss Beard Carrie mrs Boweles mrs aw mce per pacaage. vK 1EE si CDSDAkT ST Aci is when the disease has Mann Copnrn John A Cornwell Clark Crilley Franklin O'Brine Alice mrs O'Connell Ellen miss O'Donohoe mrs O'Meara Angela miss O'Toole Ellun miss OToole Bridgett miss O'Shanneay Mary O'Neil Mary miss Orchard miss Obara Bridget mrs Olmstead Julia mrs Otutt nsaiiif mrs iinhrn mrs Oaks Peter mrs Osborn Alexander mrs O'Brine Mary miss become CONST AI.
and mav be known bv the following symptoms Ulceration of the mouth and Welsh John Williams K- mM Williams Wear Madison Waller Walker Wm Wait Fred fl 3 Warren Dodge Warrants Geo dr Waterman Saml Watt-ins Jas Warren Walker Fredk WatermanJasdrWatkins Wallace Wall Michael Matthews Geo WAiartanrfonn aioore rtotit a manning Maddock John Moore Master Mellor John Moore Chas Madigan Thns AMason John Moore Emanuel xi.iiorv Fmon Mason or Solomon uooesddbo corras cnugo ta Cockey James Conall Patrick Cunningham Coop Henry Corrynr Charles Frank Cole Cook Bros CranUle Ralph Beecber Mary miss Bowler Warren a mrs Been Matilda mrs Bower miss Beebe Joseph mrs Boulger Mary mrs Bebbingtou Maria miss 4Brainard Newell mrs Fe'low Etty n-ise "-Br-Kly Bridget Bentley Lucy mrs Brandell Nellie miss wroai. gianfiB. sain, iiean, mucous memorane, cancer-one sores on the arsis and legs, emotions on the skin, scrofula, etc. The Syphilitic Cure, Pills and Wash are evt tt li oiij4i a. Do' not Wewrt-p Hwny with courMnj when so stt.sII ssi 1tiTetment vrllT rnrf yon.
It rruy hnd of sny rs spcTtHbitr Inerrit In town, who will rarnUh yon with drculsr of -caaine rorttflcstt'vi'Ot curt-s it bas mstda. botsVty drugirU everj- wUere C. G. CLIRK Troprietorsr IJropoaals. used in tne secondary stage.
Wallace Wm fv-price per pacxaee, s. jsc. 1 HE THIRD, or TERTIARY STAGF, Is knows by Palmer Addie miss Bennett Rebecca mrs riraoon mary mie-s Bradlcv Mary A mrs Bennitz Agatha mrs Conner Thomaetrawford John Crollm Richard Cole Harwood capt Crozien Samuel Cone CroetrW Crossney Coombs George Curtis Wm Craft Delavan Compton GeoWCnrney Thomas Crazer Chaijles rnr-dn Tbomna Onftler liiman GCiirtiS Pell she following svmptorus Nodes, or hard and painfu Merry-nan Marks Barney Marsh Sykes Mahan Madden A 3 Manvel Bennet lnmoe. MitiM MnM mi tivnncni tne uiiub. cob mauiey vv rev murjjuj jimu Martin Murphy Joseph Mellen I Murphy Francis Messer Murphy David 3 Marsh mr Mnrphy Cornel's Manning eapMurphy A Matthews TilfordMurphy John Bending Florence miss Brainard Lidean mrs tractions, bard pains in the bones and Joints, carles rlerjiv of the hone.
RVDlil.ltic rheumatism, alterntio Ntw comr. Bradley Agnes miss Pero Emma miss Parker Geo mrs Psrsons mrs Pareball Poratbs A mrs Parsons John mi- Parsons mrs Partridge Agnes miss Pardee Hester A mrs bypiiilltic Cure" and Pills are uacai of parts, etc. The Core George Crouse Wm Cslb Philip Brewer Helen mrs Munn Wm in I fi i a Mt Breed Fannie mrs nr rrice ner nargage. vn.on- rw- Price of 6 Stnhllftic Core" ner hnttle Pllla Breasted Charles mrs Wentworth Walker or Webster WethmoreWmF Leon id as Walter Edw Wagner Walker James Walker Elisba Walton DavidS2 Wakeneid Wilcox Sylves-Wells David Watson JamesS ter 3 Ward Walsh James WheelerGeorge Warren Ward Russell 8 ds Co Weliwood Ephn WrightWinslow Wilson Thos Welles Richd Woodford Willis Welles Peter hon Wilis George WTalworth Ben' Wright Willcts Weniek Adam WooufordOrfnF Whitehead Heny Wagner A Wbiunareh Wise Henry WarionAlmeron WheelockFrank ingham Walker Arch bid Wilson Waste A co White Shother Wilson i n'l. II I tention, Pain In the Back ana Loins, 1-ressingHtown Pains, Bush of Blood to the Head, Dizziness, Dimness of Sight, Green Sickness.
Heaviness, Fatigue on any slight exertion. Palpitation of the Heart, and all the various diatteaaiug complaints, particularly that most annoying, weakening, and the beginning of all othef leniale weftknease. Xbe Lencsrrhcea, or At the asm time, there is nothing tn these Pills Ursa can do injury to lite or health. zX Uu direction he atrialy foliiri. and you will find them to be alt Ui'V art rrprtumtfd to much so, that in nine case ont of ten, I will warrant them.
Do not be disco-treeed if one box sho-old fall, but try another, although as a general thing, One Box is rasalUc-ient. Yet, In some cases, one lady will require more than another. I know one lady that ba often been relieved by Six Pills, while another required and usedTutBTT-Six. 1 tint It Is, one constitution being very strong' requiring more, and another very weak, requiring less. 1 have the testimony ot some of the first ladles in this and other cities, and from every part of the United States, speaking of them in the highest terms and In nicety cases out of one hundred, I Had the Pills have realized the most sanguine expectations of every lady, where the directions have been followed, and ft perseverance lu using the Pills fairly.
50,000 Iloiea have Keen Sold in Tito Years. Ten tlrmmind bozn sen I hy It ner, both by myself and agents, to all parts of the world, to which answer have been returned, in which ladles ssy. nothing like the above Pill have been known, since the Scisnob or ilapiouii unio urea Woild, In UemoTing Obstruction and lte-storins Kalnre to its Proper Chaaael, quieting tie stjTelnd bringing back the ltoiy color "lEPOT QUARTERMASTERS rniCAOO.It.I, Dee. tnth.lsst. proposals will r.e at this office until the Jiith Inst at 12 for supplying Corn to Public at fhlcago.
Camp Doug corral, or each other pl.ces In i blctgo and vtctnlty as may he r- qnlred for the period oi sU months Irom tue 31st December. 1-64. Corn in the ear to beef best qua'lty. sound and clew. Etcb bid most accompanied by the written quar--nte of two known and responsible persons obutrat-lng themseivea to enter into bonds wita the proposer, IX the contract is awarded to htm Bidder" mnst be present it the opening ot the or their bios will be rejected.
Forms tor l.ia will be furulahed by this office. Two cr more bias irom s.une parties will reject all '-ench bids. Payments merle monthly in such funds ss may be on hand for ire purpose. Iniormal Mds will be rejecd. Propoteis in duplicate eneif -ed In a sealed envelope Cummings Andrew Crarican A Crandall Oscar Culver Kemp Cross BeniaminS Coons Martin 3 per Dot i asn, per notiie.
Persons who have reason to suspect, from ANY Corregan Ihea earn Wast Casteli Thomas Crosby -Cook A co Cranston John Colwell Frank Cupps John Codding SobcskiCreugh John Cockley Robert Cullen John Corest Geo Cartlctt John Costen Cotnyingham Briggs Thomas mrs Bright Ann miss Brittan Arthur mrs Briggs Ida miss Phirmey Mary A miss Philips Mattie miss Pitikbam Nellie mrs Pinkbam AdaLtid mrs Phelps Minniq mrs Pomeroy Gertrude miss Pomeroy Lydis mrs Porter Mary mrs Potter Emma miss 2 -Potter Maria mrs Futmin Mary miss Potter Isabella mrs 3 Pter Mary miss Prenost John mrs Preston Sarah A mrs Pratt Lydia miss Price Jennie miss Pringe Minnie miss Pry or Mary miss Philips Hannah miss TAtilOS, or from IMPHRrECT TREATMENT, the Tistence or anv SYPHILITIC VIUUS or POISOU Parker Elizabeth mrs Paul Mary A miBS Pearce Sarah mrs Peck mrs Peckworth Sarah mrs Peckson mrs LV0VSPEU10D1C1LDR0PS Brackbill Lou miss Brown Hattie mrs Buck Josephine Bulckeness Frank mrs Buckener Eliline miss Buckner Emma miss Buckminster Martha A Bull winkle Julia mrs 3 Burrow Amelia miss Burdick Bradford mrs Burk Ellen miss Rurmister Sarah mrs Burton Maggie miss Burke Julia niiss BardicK Belle mrs Barnet rors Barton Margaret mrs Byrnes Sarah Ann mleft Buskin Albine miss Butler mrs Bird Herman mrs still remaining in the system, should use DK. MARKS Maxwell James Matthews Wm Morrison A Maley Peter Mattinee Michn'LMorrison Sara'l Merrick AustinAMuroney Michal.Morrison Geo Magginnis Maidens Morrison 3 Mappee Chas Meitch Bent Myer capt Mattock Chas Mitchell George Myer Henry Mangin Dan Misch A Ward Myers 3 Maefiuy MiKsou Myers Leonard Metcalf Joseph Miller OA Martin DA Co Mulherring And Morse-N 3 Malott capt Minier A Morgan Matthews IT Mixer 3 Morgan capt Martin George Miller Aaron 3 Morgan A Mil, TiHviil Millicren Bant Moouey cool mr f'omminfrs John 1 cooker r-w imui uonn Crawford James ConnersSlaurice I Coffey Charles SYfUlLlllc CCKK at once, ana it win eneciuaiij eradicate every particle or the VIRl'Sand restore the system to a pcrtect state ol ALC1H an-l PURITY. fcECONDARY SYPHILIS lsHEj.EDITARY.and may he transmitted to tha child bv either parent In whose nrai.rAiui i. uiuuk m. Perry Caroline mrs Perkins Alia mrs FenDy Snsan mrs Perkins ElhtB mrs nruce r.vie lun-a Branson Lucy mrs Bryant Byrd mrs Bryant Jessie mrs Brookes Annie miss Broadway Nelli: miss Brown Mary miss i Brown us an mrs Brown Thomas mrs Brown Mate miss Walker system the disease may exist.
No person, who has rea Prot.os. tor com." and direcrcd son tosnspect tne existence oi any aypunruc virus or Poison In their rvtem. should tail to use Dr. MARKS' Perrv Ellen miss Wilson rancis Wilson James Wilcox Sam Willis Wilson 6 Wilgus James Whcatleck Geo Wheeler Wniard Frank II Wheeler Webber A Ward A Welles i- rLM Peterson Jane y. miss Chief Depot Qr.
M-. Chicago, fll. Malcolm Sam delssSttH SYPHILITIC C'l'RE until every particle of the virus is eradicated from the constitution before thev enter Park Mary A miss Petty Annie miss White ir miner -rener uim-jr i -i i Miller Edwin A 3Momey Jimmy Miner Etiw dH 2Murry Edward Mize Edward A Morris capt Packard Cornelia mrs Pulmsied 8 mrs into tne miirriat-e state, ano werenv secure tnecer- Brown Fannie mrs PROPOSALS FOR SOFT -taintv of a Pl'KE and healthr Pickens Saml mrs stfr A ii A treatise on sypmntic Aiisease, giving piam uireo- a. Mltcneu c-eo nomiA Campbell, Catharine mrsCoffana Eisbell LYON'S PF.RinniCAL DROPS, LYON'S PERIODICAL DROPS, LYON'S PERIODICAL DROPS, -THE TREAT FEMALE REMEDY, THE GREAT FEMALE RKMKDY, 1UX. GREAT FEMALE KKjiEDY, ARi SATTRE'S ARE AT RESTORER, APE NATl'RE'S GRFAT RFSTORKR, ARE NAT I RE'S GREAT RESTORER, And always remove OBSTRTCTIONS OF NATTTRB.
OBSTRUCTIONS OF NATURE. OBSTRCCT'lONS OF NATURE. Mason Ed Marsh Samuel Maspield Geo Masteller Mattox Geo JiaaonThosW Martin Thos 3 Merrill tions for treatment accompanies each package of nofllcine. Coel Catii mrs Carr Mary miss Qnmn Alias mre Miller Robt Milligan Mitchel mr fW The meuicine will be sent by express to all parts Ralph Michael mrs Miller or ine counirv on receipt oi tne money. tar- Prepared and sold by Dr.
E. EASTERLY a corner ol 1 bird and Lheanut streets, bt- Ljula, Sole Prom-letor. Mullen OB llailor Amlrew -Molten Charles Muivihill Daniel Muson 8 Moragan Edw'd 31otht Snowden Morter conimuis mrs Coleman Nellie miss Cooper Bradford mrs Casey Mnrgret miss Carr Robt mrs Cabill Catharine mrs Whitlock Ei-viaWilliams James Wilson Johrf Whipple JM Wheeler WallPaik 'Williams Johr Worthby 8 Willcs John Williams Geo Wolven Wheeler John ZWilliams Geo Wood Ben GD Williams Edwin Woolf bro A "Wilson John Thouber Willice John A Williams John OWynn Andrew Wilder Joseph Wbeeler A Wright OS White John Whltlesey Chas Conn Wiggins John BWilson NicholasWood White John 3 Wilds A Woodbridge Weadlev Wm Wilkinson Charles Windle Wm -White Albert Walter Daniel Wbelan Wm Wiswall Austin Wolcott 8 rtanaati tieo mrs Ratferty Mary Ray mrs SoM at DR. E. EASTERLY ft CCS Family Medicine Store.
Madison street, near the Post oaice, Chicago, Merrill GilmanHMillerJ Marvin Mills Maxfield Geo Miller Isaac Mailory Milken John 2 htL- T. Mitchell Omcs Comisast or Sr-B-tt-m-ics, niOAOo. uec. h. 1W.
Besled proposals (In dup lc.iie) wid be received at this offlee till ivl o'clock cd WEUNEsDAV. the 11th ol Decemoer. lorsut-Llilne the sp.tals and Iro-jpa iatthlaPosnd fsmpVrvwIth SOFT -of good wholesome qualltv tor four months, coro--rDeneing the 1st dy of January, lsixi, in such quantities and at such times a (nu Post Commissary my 4 Bach bid must hare a printei copy of this sdvertlse. ment atTsched. Payment to be made In such funds ss may be furnished by the I niteo Slates Proposals for Soft Bread." Any or all bids maj oe reacted OKO.
W. CAMPBELL, Captwn and XW Svenlax Journal plesse copy- dela999-5t II Robinson Sallie miss Roberts Eliza mrs Roberts Jennie miss Roberts Carrie miss Roberts mrs Rogers A mrs Rogers Jennie miss Roil Eva miss Roesiter A miss Rowley Elenor miss Rosenberg Armanda Aiimots. Ray Jane mrs Kea 8 miss of health to tte check of tne meat aencaie. Moulton Colburn LU CreunerJW Conners Jno Costen Cross A 3 Compton John ColborKRII Cutler James Cooper Joseph Courier A Culton Conway Michael Cossage Daniel ComTningsHarryCollins Michael Conlan Patrick Cratty Henry Cooper son Coyle Patrick Cutler 0 capt Courtney Wm Costoloe Corne- Crane George Cook John MU8 Curtis capt Compton John A CoheCC Camniings Ho- Comploa John Connoly Patrick mer Chapin D. Delany MichaelDavlrn John Dunn Leonard DeLucelLeopoIdDedrick RenbenDouglas Jno 3 Rev Dnnkle Joseph Davis John Danforfli DanielDowling Joseph Day Charles Declor Joseph SDesmond DanielDrehs John Denieon Eph-Dix Charles Drake raim Davenport DavisDowse Dan row 8 Danhane Dnger James Deffees Degan Patrick Dottle Davis John Daniel Charles SDrake Irving DeCloss JosephDickinsonCDen-Donnelly James Dalhem John ny Donely James DashillJohnS Davis CH Drent Jacob Dalhem John De Young Dndler Davis John DevanyC.W Donlin Darragh John 2Dick Charley Dooley Hanlet DiUinghamJohnDarrahP Dobia Davis Dn Veil Henry Deitz John Day Charles Dudley True Dix Joel Davis Charles Dunlap Geo Detchen A SonDillingham Dyem A Co Geo John Burns Douglass Thom- Tinvis Josenh Davidson A as Van Ham A Mitchel csptMorey John DR.
EASTERLY'S PAIM MILLER. Cady Caroline miss Capps mis Cannon Margret A miss Carey Belle miss Carwell Fannie mrs Carson Lizzie Regan Maggie mrs -Resler Lilla Rhodes Elizabeth mrs Bees Csroline miss Mansfield Jame) Miller Leo hon Mullin Jas Manny A Meeks Thomas Moulsbaugh Jno This ZSedicine is an.infallible cure for Henrv lntnrop nas ooa r-smuei Ecad the feUowln-t Eatrafts, trom few Letters 1 EeeelTed. Remington Bins miss Being a tclentlfieally prepared PREPARATION, i FLUID PREPARATION, FLUID PREPARATION, THEY ARE BETTER THAN PTLLS. Motherway John Muller Miltborp JobnH Mag-aire Pat Mil ward Henry Carter Henry mrs Carries Annie miss Carroll Moloney mrs Carroll Mary miss Carver Helen A hubs WoorlrulT Gilbert WriehtHoratioA James Wolcott James Worthington Wren John W7olf JnaS Reynold Patrick mrs Real Bridget Regan mrs Reed Mary miss RichsrdwNsney miss Richards Debbie mrs Rourke Margret miss Rowe Sarah mrs Rnby Sarah mrs Reinet Geo mrs Ralnh Joseph mrs Brnisesy Sprains, Headachey Toothache, Bore Throat, Colic. Ci-amps or Spasms Dysentery or Bowel Com Nerwons Affections, Fains in he Face, Painter's Colic, Pains in the Breast, Side, Back and Zaimbs, Wright Wm Wuitmore WTilson Lewis Wheelan Patk White Wm Wilson David Whitmsrsh HWiltsie David Wilson Wm Wilds Wbelan Michael Wilson Robt Wicker Henry Wilson Wilder Geo White A Mason Henry Massor Louis Martin James Moran John Manley Jas Morris George Mansfield JV Moore Win Murray James Moore Wm Joseph me Wclntvre Peter McClnre A McIJrin Thos eapt Msinain A Mc.ljeod Alex A Last raoii MAtos-Cenat, Pa.ms:-"Db.S.D.
i Bows, Dear Sir: I have used your Duposoo uoldss Pills upon thxis 1 t-rrxjiaxT oocasions. and they KKMnvxD tub CAT7.X uu a chas. besides greatly benefltling my general health. On, that ladles more generally Snew the value of your Ptlls I HAY! HAY 1 HAY! CHttP QCARTEP.MASHR'8 INo. 1.I Cisciumam.
OHioJ)ec- 1st, l-i. Propcsals are Invited by the undersigned, untu Carel Ann miss Coe James mrs Collins Marion miss Colburn Charlotte mrs Colligan Marion miss Coleman Bridget Collister Wm mrs Cole Jane miss Cole Jane mrs Conley Anna Cornell Jnlia Cenklin Julia rare Converse Martha mrs Condon mrs Connery Mary A Conway Sarah mrs Cooper mrs Cooke Margret mrs Cooper Ann A mrs Cooper Harriet mrs Conch Henry mrs Corcoran Emma miss Cotes mrs Conovan Catherine miaa CornedySarah mis Corbly A mrs Convio-is Margaret mrs Coventry Cornelia Cranston Margaret mrs Cristman mrs Chandrer Mary Cross Sophronia Cronin Kate mrs Cromwell Mary miss Cutler mre Cure mrs flneA Mart TTllsH Cashore Andrew mrs McGillinare 3 A McDongall Jas Wnght John as tele Meda miss Case A mrs Cholera, Cholera lnorDSjs, and in thi ttsciAX Jecemoer i-ivn. io 11 furnishing merchanUble. tight-pressed Timothy Hiy, xtoitgen nrj. Rogers mre Ronen Mary mre Rees mrs Rce Sarah miss Ridgley mrs Roberts mrs Robinson Wm mre I much ef their sufferings, sorrows, pain and anguish McConkcy William-John orWhite Edward FWagnesellet A fact whererer it is applied Pain can Li-pCapiiivJiM Mcenrdv A cant McCarv James from the following named Districts, to be delivered a the points herein designated, viz TilhI AUK Brvrin.lt 1 UAn riLUI, THEY ARE BETTER THAN PILLS, Aid arcs In the most obsttaste ease, SPRE TO DO GOOD, SI RE TO BO-GOOD, SURE TO DO GOOD, AND CANNOT DO nARSf.
AND CANNOT DO HARM. AND CANNOT DO HARM. not exist (McCarthy Tim'yMcDoweH Allan McCulfoch A Catim mrs -Cotes mrs Cavanagh Ann mrs Chapon Jane miss Chapman Martha mrs Dearborn. Otilo Ripley and Decatur eot-ntles, Aointa north of said eounties: delivering Shelter Catharine mrs Shepbard Stella miss iiolnta to be at Lawrencebsx--, Aurora sad Rising Sun, It Is rued INTERNALLY and EXTERNALLY and Is a perfect ANTIDOTE tor ALL PAIN. Try It yeat- "tFor sale at PR.
E. EASTERLY CO-S Family ntsTRfCT. Sacket Lids miss Sacftet Nellie miss Samson Augusta miss Sawyer Eliza miss Saul James mrs Scott Mary mrs McDonald llae aiccian-agnan jiuaiir-ij uuuu McDonald Jas Patrick McAnlley McDonsId ChrlsMcGivern Peter McNamara John McDonald McBrMe Pat McWandell Jno McGuire ArthurMcCue Peter McCormick Jos McGuire A cM artin Donald i-C'n he John McGuire Philip McQueen Peter 2Mc William. Jno McGrath Edm'd McGann Patrick Mcintosh John Bnngiop r. aza a mrs Sherman mrs -Sbute mrs Day John Dall Oliver Downs Thomas Daily John Denton A Dudley George Jaeuicme lore.
atauisou ii n. Dickinson Dawson A uoipn Bamuet IH. KASXaiJrlLY'S Davis Samuel Densmore ar-uow Chapman rnsan tors Chapman Olive miss hurchwise Lenta mrs Chrest Mary miss Chobar Serene miss Clopper George mrs Clague James mrs Clark Carrie mlea Clark Lottie miss Davis James thur Donaldson Sam- Jimmock SDexter "Newell uel FEVER AND AGUE KILLER. nCOniO 'I II If. d.
i VVUu Me He. Mnrilnci McLean Seth McCoy James scales Kate miss Scooten mrs Scar-Ian Johanna mrsft Isiino-is Sarah anr Sears Louisa miss Secor Nellie mrs Thomas neeier zzrsr neinii- siiut-a Young A Tonng James Yates 3 Young John Younger Co JYatee Jacob Tonng Harrison York Samuel A Young Geo Z. Znlfer Antony Zepp 8 Initials. Bee'y ofHeFpei-lan Lodge Charle-s Charley of W. B.
WarrenLodge Mills Union Brewery Chicago Carbon Coal Co Sec'y of Ashlar Lodge Agent of Celebrated Sicily Coffee J. M. Collector West Chicago K. C. Frank Commercial Advertiser Commanding Officer 3d Battalion, l'24th Regiment V.
R. Mither Lodge No. 410 F. A A. M.
Officer Co. D.UOd 111. Int Proprietor of the Lake View Water Office open from 1st of April to 1st of No- i. T.m il ft from X-t-remher LYOH'S PERIODICAL DROPS Are safe at all times, exoept- dozing; pregnancy. LYON'S PERIODICAL DROPS.
This Medicine will care Aene and Clark Mary miss AleOoly er aihvib or-ui vuraua rcucr- Dwen "James GDi-attF ick Dean JeremlahDDenger Tlnnn Dawltng Dawson A -1) mine Robert Delauey JamesDeland OP Dykes 3 Devine Hepry Davidson A Drake 3 Cunningham Alice miss larg Alice mif-e Clark Louise miss revet. sumD A-poe, -cn-LLisaxia rever, Interaiittent andRemittent Fe-rers McRea llllara Mcrnerson ce-j uuu McAlister An- McKee 8 McEwen John drew AknMahoa Pat McOregor John McCnrdy A co McFadden Chas McNamara McElwain McCatton Saml McKee William McQuaid Michl McCormick RobtMcNicholas Wal-Mel arlane mr McDean George ter Patrick McCollum WmFMcDong-dd Gil-McKey Seymour Cbloe miss Seymour Chas miss Show Margaret miss ClilTord Maude miss and erery form of rover incident to Clifford A mrs In ri ner Henry uevoi a uuiiiiuio a Davie R. Dewey Mr Donovan David Obeerre cari-fa1j the directions arotiBd escH bottle. Curtiss Percy mrs Curtis mrs Culler Sarah Dickey A mre Donnelly Maria miss Tlallard Marv miss the west would be banished." One of the first ladles tn It lea, sailed upon my agents tn that city (Mr. Wm.
Bristol a Co and told them that she, of course, did not wish her name made public, but If anyone should doubt the wos-DgEgci. imcici ot Da. Dtjpokoo' Goumt Pills, they might refer any lady to her as she considered It a DinT, as wsll as a flzascrx, to relate bsiCkkowl-xtxib of their efficacy a-lmuiistered to her daughter. young lady seventeen years old. Bhe waa faat going Into Consumption bad taken cold nature had become obstructed.
Two noxas or Tunaa Uouih Pills ar-rxiBaXT cc kkx hxb, and she a now In robust Health." Ml of Virginia, says My monthly sickness (which 1 bave not had for two years) has again been brought on by the use of only sixteen ef your valuable Dci-osoo doLBix Pills, and I am now well and In excellent spirits. My physician said I was fast going into consumption. 1 have recomta ended thesa to other ladies and they are pleased an satisfied with the pills." A lady In Buffalo, N. wrote thus to my agent there: "Ma- O. H- P.
Cbamplix Dear Strt You cannot possibly conceive the gratitude Ieel for the Introduction by you of the Durosoo COLWtN Pill in our etty. I have suffered. lie many others of my eex, with the most distressing headache, pain in the back, vomiting, and in such agony have I been that 1 always had to take to my bed, and very olten send for a phj siclan, and my life seemed a burden to me. I commenced to take your pills two or TnEM--when I found my periods coming on. I was relieved lu one sharp r.rania a mrs Sheffer miss Shea Johanna miss Shinn Margaret miss SwKier'and county, Indiana: delivering points to be Talrtot, loresee and Vevy.
om boats or barge. THIRD DISTRICT. Jefers-in and Jeenmgs counties, Indiana, and points north of said counties- Delivering point to be at Jaacieon. oa boats or harges FOURTH DISTRICT. Tf-rmllt-in, Butier.
Preble, Montgomery, Greene-Clinton. Brown, Highland, Clermont aid warren Jounli Ohio. DeilTervn-T point to be at Claci-maH. mx Bailway and Canal Depots. FIFTH DISTRICT.
Cbamral-'B Clark and Madjaon counties, Ohio, ana -jKfsTorVi Tot s' ld eoimttes. Deiuertngpomt, to Br at Vrbaaa, Springfield and London, at Bailway ocharjestotremade for storage, previous to de-B Blier. must state Oitrnctly from which District tbev pn pose to mrnishH.v, and must Jhehr offer la screr.ted, noi to Interfere with either the rheTDt-tra-Fs. Esch Dtsirict will be awarded toone iZ or Erm. If the "usntity an-i price satisfactory, and the Contracting I OrHeer ot tot iGov-ernment will agree not to make additional PU'ehases tt rach District, during the continuance ol the con- win be entertained for the delivery or less toBindder? must state the quantity thev propose to oner, the price and time and place ot delivery, and iacn bic must he guaranteed by two responsible per- Dyer Eliza miss Dan neroy r- x-avis a aa uvuiwu Degan nenry Dixon Duger Davis Henrv KDePuy Anson MDutlley Charles Dr.
pnOtrrlT-s Fever and Aine Killer is WARRANTED TO TRE. and If It FAILS the money will be re McClure, lord tl mcr-ariana A co McMauus HenryMcLane Wilson McClure dr McLain capt McCollifl'e Wm LYON'S PERIODICAL CROPS. Derline ThomasDrake Geo Dunham turned to tne porcnaser useu as uinxwu. Sheffield Maliesamrs Sheldon Daniel mrs Smith Arthur mrs Donegan Bridget miss 3 McGronecle.Jlcclananan-i ttJic-cormicK mm 1 1 1 I Douglas A De Pny Geo Dudley A Dan-all Matilda mrs Daley Eliza mrs -Darley El miss Davis mrs Donnelly Ellen Dalton Maggie miss For sale at DR. E.
EASTERLY COS Family traUSf CO mCAUilue I HOS mtneuu -'i uiaj let to April lsv trom a. m. uu p. m. i aim ou Sundays, from 8 a.
m. to 10.15 m. Sherwood Grace miss Shimmln Emms miss Shephard Violet mrs Simpson Lillie miss Simpson Llilie mise Simpson Mary miss Simpson miss Signor Jane miss Simmons mrs Sltts Eliza miss Skeel Asa mre Smedes mrs Snow Avis miss Slocnm Addle A mrs Skelley James mfte Smi th Ann Jennet miss Stewart Isabella miss Stephani Vleranaka Stnns Maria miss Stuns Emma A miss Stuart David mre Stiles Jennie miss Sturtevaut Hannah mrs Stone Agnes miss Stone Srina miss Stone Rebeccs mrs Sullivan Ellen mre Swet Mary mrs Sumnienberg Mary mre Sweeney Catharine miss Swenson Mary mre Sweeney Margaret miss Sneer mrs Safer Catharine mrs Smith Sarah mre McNamara PatTt-McCice Jas MCAuiey ai Durgin a Dreggs Dawey A Morton Davenport unoien aonn William Doyle Thomas Duinan GarrettDobcey Smith James mrs Smith A mrs Smith Belle miss McManus Henry Medicine Store, Chicago, iij. IR. EASTUKLY'S McJurn Alex Dunn rt tr 1 a Co I loocv l-alrliK Dare Ann mrs Daniels Mary miss Dorthy Marian mrs n.l.
F. Dovle Michael Durohy -Sorris Jno Noonsn Edward Nichols Robert fBercftants. DIARRHEA SYRUP. Smith mrs Smith Lina miss Smith Nellie mrs Soyer Amelia mrs jjynan Anna miss Doreey Emma miss Drnmmon mrs Doyle Cathrine mrs Dood Kate mrs DoyleE 1 i za miss Doyle Lmiss Drinker Lydia miss Dovle Mary miss Doyle Kate miss 3 Dovle Kate A miss Driscoll Mary mrs Deane Samuel BDunn Thomas JDamol Eli as Davis Sam Donlin John Durkin Brvan Are no "rot 09 cotrtponDd totmrKkse npon public credulttv. out tlie prt-i-criptlon of Pr.
Joha 1. Xyon. dow pnietirung phTsicisn-in New Hnveu, at 1UG dispel str-wt. who jrunr-sriteos thotT efficacy, will sr-rvrr stl corTPspoiulvuce concern toe them, snd s.11 other pecialt1es, end jrive particular direr lions for all private dibetMes sua female com pi sin persons.) or mail. It-.
John L. Lyon d'upovery, bttjowti ss lTOSS PKRIOU1CAL, DKOPS lor females, stund before the public to-dy. superior as diuretic, umarpSMsed as a epecinc, for the cure ot all h-ras-ini femtite com-p! sin ts, compounded from a formula tht Is the result of bl extenfiTe experience and bv htm iruaranteed to remove alt irregularities ot suppressed nature, and Tiement II llnnavan IISVKUIOIUIU A 11 Davia Lucy miss Davis Ellen miss Davis Fannie mrs Davidson Sarah mrs Nagle William. Norns 1 nos a oan Nafan George Neaion Thomas Neely Noblett William Neweome HenryNorton Robb A Nevans Martin SNesl co Nelson Murray Nicoies Thos Noble CL Davis Edwin 8 Duehane Lum-Doyle A Co Thia xnetlicine wiu core Ayt-xrrnsm, ADVANCES MADE ON SHIPMENTS r-nore r-srn a. miss Shalen Christen miss Shrage Ann Sviaiitsi-r.
Cholera luortias, Dura- DeanRovalL bard Doonttiea Miner Dadd RandolphDonegan'MichaelDnnston Dean Fred Dagherty JohnDugerPH Davidson mrs Davis Agnes miss mer ComDiaint. Colic. Wind in the NOyef Isaac at a-o a. Nichols Jens- Norton A rev Shellman Kate miss Stanley Lottie miss -Stacy Minnie miss Stomach and Bowels, and all Pi BUESSED HOGS, Davis SoDbts mrs Dnny Lizzie miss Dunn Phiffy miss miah samnel norton c-a Dean Eliza mrs rangement of the Stomach and Br Edson NavlorJW Newhall NornsiDunham TT7 varrantea tuiie hi tu uiutw, wnm in ce rial la Detpheny Catherine missDuey Bridget mrs i't Tlnnham 1 1 11 mra nrticuatrH' as ot sine Stanton Mane mre Stanly Mary Ann mre Steele Carrie miss in the directions VUllina waea a seutuig. PBOVISIONS, tea 11 situations, na.
guaranteeing, over their own signature, was theldceVpted, bonds wUl be given In the sum of one-lourth the value of the propcrtf ottered lor the fulnllment of the contract- Tb neht is reserved lo reject say bid deemed mn- "ATy'of this ftdvertlaement should accompany ndb. -D-triC. i JVt. de4-a5C5-10t around each bottle, wftlch aj should caretully read Aiezeu i' uini Derbz John mrs Duggan Carrie miss Mi. Elliott 3 Elliott John Edson Robert Easton Jno Elder Eaton Jno Ecord Francis Ennis WHS Eberly 8 Everitt Jno Elder 8 Dr Eden Wm Easterly GBCaptElon Wm l- tbAnaanrla Mm from ROWEL COM- Stillman Joseph mre hour, snd pass along now from month to month by taking only two pills at the proper time having now no pain, sickness or distress of any kind, but feeling my general heal thgreatly improved." From Mrs.
E-. of Broadway, N. Y. I ha-fe, for the Denegsn Louisa mre aopuia mn PLAINTS that might be saved by the timely use of Steele Anna mrs Eotsaje In this or Eastern markets. CCLVEIl fe oo, Sommerville Nettie miss Neal 111 rS 091 lu-uurn nnuug a.
Noble Henry Norris A Norton Nathan! Norton Geo Nichold Nortod Chas Nichols Nellis Rufus Neal Ocobock Martin O'Ferris James O-Sulliv-tn Peter O'Donncll Cor- O'Neil Timothy O'Brian Pat nelius (lakes Geo Ovington Chas Stewart Annie miss ElvOC Earl A Spears Ensworth A 8 Eaton Chss 3 F.wing David Eastes Fades Chas 3 Elmore Emory Everden 3 DK. i. A I lit. I 01ATUUlI.a Binvjr. MOTHERS, why will yon let your CHILDREN DIE Stephens Caroline mrsSmith Maggie miss when a SAFE and SURE KEMUli is onerea yon.
ueroui nariotw am ihuiuiw De WTolf Elizabeth miss DupreCmiss Derbout Minnie' miss Elliot Daesy miss 3 Elliott Lydia mre CommlsBlon Merchants. deTsTSl-Tsi capt swaney Angenne miss cimous mary uu-- mcr aw eenis per oovti-j OF THE DEPOT ana annersiana. LTON PKBIODlCjfVL DROPS cost bnt a trifle, snd their or til, in comptaritroa to their cost, is like fold to tsnd. Doctor ITon asks roa wbo are snfferlnjc from Irresray laritles, wlfl vou not make one of his renowned Periodical Drops, wiriest be warrants will satisfy you in exerv instance. DROPS aVesoM by-Draircrs-tw everywhere, in cltv.
villaee and conn try, at 1 per bottle, or all orders by mall will be promptly aUoadott toby Vli. JOHNL. LYON, New llaven, Ct. OFFICE Edgerton Wm Emory Snow Sarah A mre or sale at Dtt- K. h-AJS i -sua.
ts amii aeuicuiv Store, 9S Madison street. Chicago, 111. OUABTEEMASTER, Mtlt 1 A Stone Margaret CShea Patrick O'Connor O'Maley PRATT Wholesale Dealers In Edgerton Minnie miss Kiam oaran miss Emerson A Co EEvans TJ trust a Emerson English Patrick. Eiston Elizabeth mrs Fjiton Jennie miss 3 1K. HOOFER'S Eary Josephine miss Shnlte Therese miss Sweet Delos mrs Tsmpkins Mary miss Toale mrs Tobin Meonses mrs Tracy Simon mrs Trnms-s Betsv mrs Taylor Clara miss Taylor Ida miss Owens Wm Otta Saml Oakley Orne O'Connel John O'Mara Dennis OTJow John Owen A John Olnev O'Brien Philip O'Bay Charles O'SnlHvan Patk Otis Philo A 3 O'Callaghan Eldred Mary Emmersr-a Ada mre Empey Jennie miss 3 Everson Carrie mrs FEIUAIiE COllDIAlie Manuiaeturers and Dealers tn Fenolry Pig Iron.
Bar Iron, assorted Hammered Horse Sloe Iron. Norway Nail Rod, cat Nails and Railroad Spike. nttU-wasa-an t-iusie mrs Estabrook A mre Earll Stellie miss Erskin Jas Effenham Fisher Geo Fasset Milo Farnsworth GeoFigg Farrington 8 Filley Fitt. Francis Ferrv Wm Tempieton A mre Thorp miss Tborne Jennie mre Thornton Ann miss Ensworth Julia Ann mre O'Sbe James Sullivan Dan 4 O'Kane It Franz A Finley Philip Fortune Peter. Flease Alfred Trowbridge Mary miss Edwards A mre Eddv Allie miss Eggleston A mrs This elegant and popular ZSedicine will cure all Female Complaints, LORD rIIXII, Wholesale DrnBlsts, Lake street, Chicago, Xl-U Gvuerai Western Aeuia.
IVfEW YORK, SEPTEMBER, '64. 1 Th. nndenttimed have formed a co-tiaj-tnershl O'Herrons Jas Orly Owen James O'Mara Patrick Eddingi Lacy Florence Tyson Louisa mrs Turley Mary miss Tnrnbull Marv miss fi-ccessi're, Suppressed or snch as Faxon Ellis Fielding oSCor rancis oscax Thornton Anna miss Thornton Margret miss Tierny Richard mre Tillev Marv mre tn this dty for the purpose of transacting a Feildea Mary mis Paunfnl atTnsti-aatioaa X-encorrhcea November 10th, isfil. PROPOSALS FOR AKMYTrlANSPORTATlOlI. exAtxo PaoeosAia will be received at thto pfftee -antU o'clock M.
on the Slst day of December, ll.for the Transportation ot Military Supplies during th vearl'iSi. on the lol lowing routes: irTa No. 1 -From torts Leavenworth Laramie snd Rilej. and other depos that may be established during the above year on tne wert bank of the Missouri Kvcr north ot Fort Leavenworth, and south ot latitude 43 degrees north, to any posts or stations that are or may be established in the Territories ot Nebraska, SskotV Jlho and Utah, south ot latitude 44 degree iSrthtand east of long tude rh.r, the Territory ot Colorado north of 4 degrees north. Bidders to state the rate per 10 pounds per 100 miles at which they will transport said stores In each ot the months ton AprU to September.
Inclusive, of the year lfIT--r-t No. -From Forts Leavenworth snd Riley, tn the fetate or Kansas, and the town oi Kansas, in the Irtale of Missouri, to any post" or stations that are or ay xvice a i eruer vr A. Flanigan Ann mre Paddock Wm Patton Wm Turnbull Catharine an Free toe A mrs Central Commlssloa and Prodnte Boslnes Peck Jno Peck Patterson Patterson Robt Tnrev Hattie miss Finegsn Bridget miss Forde Mary miss Timmertnan Eli mre last ten years, suffered extreme pain in my head and back. At last by the advice of a lady friend I commenced to use your Dtjpokoo Golds-i Ptlls, end found almost Instant feliel, and after using two boxes, by taking two pills oixt. at the expected periods, I passed through without distress of any kind, and now find it unnecessary to use them, having been entirely cured." One more extract from a letter, from a In Albany: Da.
6. D. Hown Dear Sirs I have pun based from your agent here Mr. C. Frothlngham.
Druggist four boxes of the Durosco Goldbx Pill: I was determined to give them a trial. The result Is, I am In sound health, and reel more lite, animation, and an Invlgorarion of my whole system, than ever. I used your pills for the Whites. Oh, how much I have suffered for the last tlx years no one can tell, during which time my husband has paid over $290 for medical rees but all to no purpose. Yet by spending for your pills, only four dollars, I am entirely cured.
I shall always recoram-rnd them to my friends, and would not be without them if the price were five dollars Instead of one. Tour agent, Mr. Frothlngham, informs me he it selling large quantities of your Gol-sn Pills, and he, says they are giving universal or Whites, railing of the Womb, and all Irregularities of the Monthly Pe Peckham Willi- Parke Samuel Parks 4 Parks Elisha Parke Eben Para- F.rkrar 3 Foote Virginia mrs Under the name ot Finn mrs Thomas Mary mre Theigger Rachel A mise roi VV j-iiv-- nuam Ferre John 8 French Alonzo Fallon Joseph Ford Alex Fallon John CSFlood William F.rrell JO, FOX A bee Fields 11 Fallon Ed Ftnley 8 Fishbnrn Ed Farley Eeum Fellows Foreat Marv miss riods. Phelos John Parmall Thompson Jobs mr Tyler CE mrs Thomas Carolinn miss Tnbel miss Folts Asemablet miss Palnwr John Phelns Fletcher Jennie miss Foley Ellen mrs Fearty Eliza miss Forbes aUrtha mrs rayne soon rm, inn evnei-lener In the selling ot Western Pro Tucker Annie miss It wfll also bring on t.e MENSES, when cheeked by Perkins John Fannan James Fridiey Benja- F.enam Tt mill duce, wllf we think, enable to render satislactory Palmer Carrelle Phillips mr i. i -ar i COLDS, or all UNNATURAL CAUSEi.
It his been FornbeU Sarah miss Fox Cath mrs Foster Lydia mre Franklin Susan miss Philnr-s 3 Pee libs John Faighney Sales OI ail property piacen iuvvi thoroughly tested. Ladle try It. Turner Frank mrs Tucker Mary mrs TuhilBL Fannin Freeland James We are prepared to make tutvsnces'nrKin property rerry Philips Geo 8 Panlding John Phillips Simon Paden John ROBERT M. HENINli. Consignee to our aaoream.
Palmer Pembroke Pahiwr A For ssle st PR E. EASTERLY ft COS Family eltman Marey miss Finegsn Mary mise Firlew Jennie miss FiikinsAC mre Thompson Josie miss Tales Ellen A miss Thompson Kate miss 1 hompson Laura miss Thomas Amelia miss TsnBnren mre Vandervort Mary Vanhoughton 91 miss Falvey Denis A Farrell Thomas Foster Mathew Fellbvick Fitzgerald Tho-Follet Jacob Fisk mas Frank Nathan 1 Ford MetUCme More, as im in. Patterson r-erry uiiu T.J. S. FLINT, ALBERT PF.ARCK.
C. C. WINANS. Patricks nol5-wnoa-3m may oe eaaotiEe ui oww Territory of Colorado, south or latitude 40 degrees north, drawing supplies from Fort Leavenworth, and to Fort I nlon, NTMor other d-epot thetraay be designated in thatTerrit ry to Fort tfarland, and to any other point ct points on the route. Bidders to state k.
niuinili ner ion miles at which thev will Vimmer A mre Vanknrsen mrs Farchney Finney George Ford Monroe French Eliza miss Freeman Harriet mre Freeman Harrie Frog Jnlia miss Fulton mre Fuller 8 mre Fry Amanda miss Friable Martha miss LITTLE CO. Filley Allie Fitesgerald Kate miss Fitzgtbbons Mary Flneran Mary miss Fisher Ilattie miss -Flnell Mary mrs Vanalstine Aniandamrs Vanpatten Marion mrs Perkins A CO Pearsons Paul Edgar Page Crosby Pepper James Porter Mines Prior Michael EESTORATIYE FOR THE HALR Parker Michael Pelsur -aeweu Parker WmHW Perry Milson Parker Henry Packard 3 Parker JeremlahPackard Parker Patton Mathew Parker AD 3 Parmer Phlipson Julius PluRmerS Parnum Pratt Elias Peeein tlnr.ce PPlatt Vanduzer Sarah mrs -transportsald stores In each of the month from April I Foard Michael Folsom Flemming Wm Fox Wm 3 Fraser Wm MAGIC HAIR OIL. Por the Orowth i nceri Marv mrs Falch Charles HFish George Fennigan PairickFuller Field Fuller Isa Fitzpatrick Follen James Fare banks Mr Fletcher Fane.tock Cant A Fnl ton Ttnrv COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Give special attention to the sale ot Yanvelzer Ellen miss i Vest Jennie miss Flynn alary a. miss IS SepieiIlli.llKia-iio. wcjws Bows No.
From Frt such other depot sm may be established In the Territory of New Mexico, to any posts or stations that are or may be established and Hestoratioa ot tne uair- Fnnk Port mr ader Adeline mre ITicti Albert Hunrr Tf Forcbt Wm RESTORES Pnneii Henrv pridbam DanMPotter James ain Alien miss Vanbremer Carrie mrs VanHorn Adda mise VacBleeck li mrs Wheeler A mrs Wheeler Francis mrs Wheeler Mma mrs Wheeler Susan Je-vrare of Coaaterfieit-. A TT AFof-arfV John This Hair Oil penetrate the minutest pores ol the win 4 th. dr. lltiertllff balt-s new life and Grain. Floor.
Drcfsod Ho-s, mru. in mat territory. mi v. be de-denate in the Territory of Arizona and state ol Teiaa west of longltu'le lfc" degrees west. Bidders i to i Ferguson Archi-Frink Furgason Wm it nreservea.
be.antines and strength ions, Barter, Hides, etc. Tht great gacceas of a -Duponco ooioen George mre Gray mrs Gardner Anna miss Gainn Charlotte miss Greene Jane miss Goodwin Mary miss Wait Helen C-miss Walker Jane Wallace Emma mre PetrieH Prlngle James Pearce Thomas Pierce Bufns Poison Irvine Farmly Tvler Preston CoPost Wm Pardee MvronJ David Pringle Peterson Geon-ePrice Wm A Prior Gowey Emily mre Grover Estelle mise Gray Boadicla mrs Gray Semine mrs Grannie mrs Graves George mrs Grady Mary miss Grantham Edgar mre hot catted cert pern-tie to put up a b-i-e tmtfmo bald ox Dr onus Panning FrancisFrank Francis AFreeman ens the hair, prevents 11 from tailing off. removes the dandruff, prevent It from becoming prematurely. WAREHOUSE- fl South Water street, Chicago, 111. Fiu-Dauick A no-r rench Sireno rain Waller Minnie miss Waltreeo Nellie mrs at once reaoers tne nair s-nt.
Ki.i-f.;,ii,rij, and rWantlfnl. It should be oa the totlet ot every lady noi6-w-f-im Ferguson Dun-Furbeck John To prevent youjrom avals owk iiaw--w, changed signature on the boret. Hereafter Genuine Boxes are aU signed S. D. Hows; all otnert GRAY OR FADED HAIR t3 ITS NATURAL COLOR.
Goodhue Mary h. miss Gamber Barbers mrs Pennock GeorgePonect Peter Pierce A Plankington JnoPottinger Wil- arren Eliza miss Ward Adda miss Graves Lemuel mrs Gabbard Mary mrs 8 and gentleman. irtce 5ocents per bottle. Foraare ftt DR. EASTERLY ft C0-s Family Medicine Store.
99 Madison street. Chicago, Illinois. Coal. Warder Wm mre Gardner George mrs Gray Emma mrs Wheeler Nellie miss White Lizzie miss Whitcfield mrs Whiting mre Whitehouse Julia mrs White Louisa mise Wilmot Margret mre Wilbur A mrs are dan germa arotd them at you tcouta poison, i ne genuine it perfectly life and sure, whether you are married or tingle. Pnlber Frank Powef-Johnr liam I Paul Edgar Porter capt Piatt 8 1 Parish Seneca Pratt Pittenger Can osier ose Af Flandere Ellis GField John Frsm Daniel Fouler Joe Fraher Daniel EFrank John Franklin Frye John Foiev Patrick Frank James mas Fagan Fay AR Ferning John Field Frank Feeney David Farwell A FcnwickL E- Griswold Carrie mis Garnett Ann mrs state the rate per 10S pounds per lvS mllee at whlc mey will transport said st.
-res In each of the mont from June to November, Inclusive, of the year The weight to be transported each year wld not exceed wu.iaai pounds on Koute No. I i3.otHi.r-nn pounds on Route No, 4 and S.tssi.OUC poun.l on Koute So. A No additional per eentage win oe paid lor Sic Iran, portation of bacon, hard bread, pine lumber, shingles. Btddershouldglve their names Jjt ftrll, ss well -their place ot resldenor, an-- eacn proposal should be SM-eompanled by a bond in thesumof ten thousand dol-iars, signed by two or more responsible persons, guar-sntreing that in case a contract as swarded tor the route mentioned In the proposal, to the putlee pro -posing, the contract will he accepted and entered -into" and good and sufficient security turulahed by sal parties in accordance with the term of this advert! 5CDV W. will ba aa tallows Pima Riv Fnrrer Atna-tsa rutman n.
ri Ward Sarah miss Walker Caroline mrs Walters Clara miss Walters Chas mre All Medical 5Ien Know Parmlee Prout Albert Powell John Fracee CharlesCFrol Dr DeOos Parinwn. Pierce Lflsuer iPluck ernon Wiginstine A miss COAL1 COAL! COAL! CmCAao, Sept. smb. IM. The Scranton, Plttstonj-rTtikeabsn-e, and Bhamokvn Coal Company oe Pennsylvania, can now supply laml-lies, brewers, bakers and country dealers, with Lump, Large Egg, Small Egg.
Range and Chestnut by DB. SJLX1EKS Three Miniitc Salve. ePKlai 8-alwa will nermaneiitl-r removs Watters Harriet mre Gav Marv miss Gates Girty mre Gardner Emma mrs Garvin A mrs CearnA Julia Gnhesns mrs Gillis Christy miss FitzgeraldCaptXFream Paris Pease Mvron Co Provost Hubert Waterman Cornelia mrsWills Amanda miss Willard Julia mre Waterman mrs Pearce Samnel SPierce Orrin Prentice Prentiss Porter Abraham Power Henry Pl.i.,. Rie.aadP-rstt Nelson Piatt r-o. ll.
fiiann Miles Goble Uriah the single ton or cargo. AT AAiO- saai Wstel Msrgret A mre Waterman Amelia mrs As well as many others, that no female can enjoy jjood health nnlett the it regular; and whenever an ob-struetlon takes place-whether from exposure, cold, or any other cause the general health begin immediately to decline, and the want of a proper remedy has been the cause of many consumption among young female. The remedy may certainly be found til th Duponco Golden Pills." Headache, pain In the side, palpitation of the heart, loathing for food. Gifford A Gluck Lewis GreenwoodGeoG peate A Co KPribble HenryW Gray George Waterman Lizzie miss and care Corosyxrarts, IBoleBylsMng worm and Toothache in, from three to ten minutes. Glendening JK mrs tilees Johanna Gleeson Fanny miss 1 at 1 Pnroy Samuel WPollak A Cossel-pratt tioiiis Weider Susan misB PRICES AlsoLehteh, Blossbm-gh.
Brtsr Hill, Kris, Chippewa, Mineral Bl.ftte and Illinois Coals. Offices, 6.iuth Martiet street. SSS Fast Madison treEt, and South Clark street, north of the C. B. a (.
Stn Knilta No. 1. Powers Samuel berv Pierce Fred ison.u-io On Route No. 2. Gauahant Amzy GUlet Lewis Gardner Ganthier Louis GibbsOC GetcbellMJ Garigan Patrick Gerity John Gee Corneioue George A Powers Samuel Webster Libbie mrs Weirk-k Mary mre Prete'Silis -Preston L3 Greenough Greene Harley Gray Wm Oowan Victor Grifford A Weight Jennie miss Wing Wm mre Winchester Lizzie mrs Williams Susan 8 mrs Williams Charlotte miss Williams Lncy A miss Williams Hattie mrs.
Williams ff mrs Wilson Matilda miss Wilson mre Wilson Frank miss Greenhood Mina miss Green Laura mrs Green Hattie mre Gregory mre Green Mollie miss Grimes Nancy miss Green Louisa mrs Grove Celian mrs Grubb Lydia nils Grove mrs Gurnee Augusta and Amelia mrs rook tarn Jennie miss Grow Daniel mrs Gross Jerena miss Grow Artemas mre II Heath A mrs Heafleld Abba mrs Hentia Robt mrs Hewmanio mrs Hernington Mary mre SDn Route o. Godfrey Fanny mre a Goodwillie Julia mrs Goodrich mrs Polk rank Peyor Sanvmey Polworth Fred Railroad rnsstng. lost umce im eai-su-suM Wen-lull Lacono miss Weldin Phebe mre niennnn Patrick Gsren John "Why will yon suffer the excruciating and tormenting PAIN from CORNS and TOOTHACHE, when SI RS REMEDY la ottered yon for the LOW PRICE of 3d ct. rar53 For' sale at OR. EASTERLY'S Family Medicine Store, ts near the Post Omce, Chicago.
no-jS-wtlU lot wArl and disturbed Sleep, always atr-ao uom of nature and whenever that tt the ease, these DDIs will Invariably remedy an these evils. Wells John mre Gilbert 8 GallagerMiehaelGrady James Qnlnlan WmJ Gooti willy James mrs Goodwin mrs Goodwin Mary miss Wells Clannda GeorgeCharlesSGantitrienry uranamjas Qnlnn Frank Qnimby Vuinlan tuinn Owen Remer 3 Rapine Gut Tnhi. Tteed yuirE-t antes Russel Wells mre Well Jane mrs Satlafaetory 1-nnriH-f 01 uib V.f flsech blade-r and person ottered as security will be re- -PrPOM-s must be endorsed rjewli fJ Army -Transportatto on Route No. or as the caaemav be; and none will be entertained unless they -ruiir comply with ail the reqiiiremeuisof Uneadrer- r-Irtle, to whom award, si-e msde must be prepared eiecnte contract at once, and to give the required -bonds for the faithful performance of the same. Contracts will be made subrect to the approval of the Oaartermaster General, but the right Is reserved to re Wilson Sophia miss Full ana expicit airccuuaa which must be strictly followed, and all diseases peculiar to female maj speedily The.
Gotten cannon ratrica auv. umu Ciurnee dr GoodrichJohnY Goodrich Isaac 8 Garabant Goodrichai Rep- Gray John Gifford RMS logle Greer John Haines Merey A miss Wentworth Mary mrsWilson Anthony mre STREET. AND 1 ATTAN rrTTE TTNDERSIGNED 11AVK Ross CLARK'S DISTHLKD RESTORATIVE FOR THE HAIR, fSurely eradicate Dandruff. CLARK'S DISTILLED KESTORATIVE FOR THE HAIR, Prevents its Falling Off. CLARK'S DISTILLED RESTORATIVE FOR THE HAIR, Promote It Natural and Healthy Growth.
CLARK'S DISTILLED RESTORATIVE FOR THE HAIR, Causes the Hair to grow on Bald Heads, where tte roots are not entirely dead. In such eases nothing will dolt. CLARK'S DISTILLED RESTORATIVE FOR THE HAIR, Is a most Luxuriant Dressing. A little one says I Use It, It makes my hair feel so soft and ahiny." CLARK'S DISTLUED RESTORATIVE FOR THE HAIR, Contains so dirty sediment to be shaken ap besbra Wersing Kacnei mre ooos irara nui-e eUt act as an XL I STABLE BROOMS, I this day formed a co-partnership under the "Wood Susan miss Riordon John RaynesS-imnelB Robbins 3 -v, -RieraotiAndl-ew Rowell Haines Mary mrs llsvs Bridget miss Hughes Sosphns mrs Hamilton Alice E-Lbiluraxtt Without a SIbrI name of Wemple Andrew mrs Wincnell Ann miss Rathbonrn Reynolds HockefellerHar- Gardon t-atmau, xiarnet viranam -i 1 1 -a. Gilbert Simon A cp Griffin John Gardner Frank Grey-MexsnderGGuirey John Gardner George Garaghon Jesse Griffin Walter Gill 1 hos A 3 GaiuanBarnard 3Griffia Wallace irraw -tsaa-t-aaav o.e.
in.ir aneration perpetual in their happy in BRAINERD, IVES Wright mre Waldo Medley miss Wright mre Waxebl miss Wright Hattie miss Raskins Paul ReadNathaniel man 8 1 a Tt ho.1 est -ortell Robin -on Geo Walch mre Welch Elizabeth mrs ALL SIZES. Kad at the Brush Factory, 204 Randolph -St. We are a'so making Base or Klor Brooms tor i-feep-tng Packlnghoee. Distilleries, Prewenes, sr houses, where they are required to be used wet or pSpri.ry 0 i Rve Raymond Thoe RogersGeorgeVV flect any or all bids that may onered. Cowtractori must be la readiness for service by the 1st day of Ar.rli.
li, and they will be "-equired to -nave ft place of agFoclet at or the vicinity or Forts -Leavenworth and Union, and other depots that may be established, at which they may be commnnlrsted with Walch iddow For tte transaction oi a general Comml-alo and Pro- iuce Busmesa. mA ftnenee noon the nerves, the mind, and the Enure Organisation. II there is any reliance to be placed on Human Texttmony. the above PUIS may oe fully de Gamble Thomas t-roaaaruLx-et-n vtuonin-i oun Gilbert Harry Goodhue Abe Guvre John I Rand 8 Ransom Geonre Kogers nenry I ctriev -Rh-harrlsonT hoeRonevThoinas cash Wat Wheadon Hattie mrs Wright Thomas mre Whitehead A mre White Minerva mre Wheeler mrs other point. Office aSouth ggl 1 Richsrds Renick Thomas Rogers Thomas RvaerThoa Gamble Wm Gsrdner Allen Gavin Thomss Bl order of the lurtrrmsster Oeueral.
HARVEY'S O.A.IV1-.S. D. 6. BROWN. APUAM Chicago.
Oct. IBM. ocl-as--Sn pended npon. BEMEMBEB Examine the box closely fno matter of what Druggist yon buy them.) ir the box Is not ifgneos. rTSrwaTlt a -the I will LReed Weston Rice George Roberts Geo Ripley Pico Reynolds RogersGeorgeB Csrt.nd A.O.
S. A. Tott Eliza mre EMC miss oitV iP-vtt unmar -ariswota vr Geovy Charles A co Grundenburg Goodman Goodwin Chas Gnrr Gulliver Charles Gurley Wli Goddard Chas Graves Granger David AGroot mr Grow Darwin Gun ton Mathew I GENERAL Gillet Hiram Gates alames Gilney James Gernev Tanman Philo mrs secretary i oung mules Cordelia miss Musical Institute REGG HUGHES, petroleum. Hanoati r. a a 5 Righe Rice Henry Rnmage 8 8 Reed Simeon Reach Roloepn i -i nnu.n tj.inanm-r Jw Rast Steoben Articles cf every desrrintlon.
sloglv or In Quantity Gibons John pur-hased to order and forwarded by express or a Ceaalssiea Bertbaats aid Frftdaee Brekers, iiarnugion xiary miss Higley Emily 8 mre Hill Marv miss Hiles mre Hinle A miss Hisban Ellen miss 3 Hobbs Maria miss Hog an Martin mre HolCQtae A mrs Holden James mrs Holmes mre -Holes ter Susan mrs Hole Sarah Ann miss Hood Mary mrs 3 Horan Martha A mrs Hoyt Cordelia mrs Hoyt Jennett miss 3 Howard mre 3 Howe Wm mrs i Howes Frank mrs 3 Howe Helien miss Hoyt Lou miss Tiuden Martha A Huffman Knna mre Hni-hea Eliza miss tiilbert John GreenoughRobt Green Mark aireciea. 1JST. A No. 15 Laaalle street, Chicago, 111- not be sponsible for their m-url on enect. ANOTHER CATJTION-Tbe Comterfdtt are often mala for lett than the genuine.
Any one offering yon anything "called" the "Duponco Golden Pills" for leas than ,1.00. you may know there la omething wrong The genuine Is highly concentrated. twelve nllls" poesesslDg more real merit han "ftfty" other of the so-called Femole Preparations and Fills. Coaaanlasdoa, FITS PER CENT. W.
UUHtlBS. Aiaaciiue twoc RickerEtmEdwd Richardson JO Ryan Patrick Richards 8 Reed Joseph RootCCS Rinlev John Bawley Rockwell Frank w. b.ve '2O0 OuO good SmokinK Cheroot, lor sale In -aCBAi-n vo. Late of Peoria. Chicago Harris Martha miss Hancock Elizabeth mrs Heackett Janus mre Hales Annie mre Hadan Mary mrs night Eliza mre Hall Sarah mre Hall Laura miss Hall Keziroh mre Hamilton Maria Hamilton Maria iiammon Mary mrs Hanklns Melinda miss Hand Carrie miss Hardy Mattie miss Harding Abby mre Harris Lizzie miss Harrington Geo A mrs Harley Sophia mre Harper Mary miss Hanis Addie 8 miss Harmon Emily miss Marvin Helen miss Harris Sue miss 3 Hart A mrs Haskell Sarah mrs Haskell mrs Hstbwsy Ada mrs 3 Hawley Mary mrs Hawley Mary mrs Haves John mrs Atwood George Allen Elias Abbott Jewell Tno7-ta-3m7 CLARK'S DISTILLED RESTORATIVE FOR THE HALR, a Clear.
Transparent Fluid contains no Oil to no ouantltle to suit at tit per thnu-aud. All order Gano John 9 capt a wiuiu Jos Graves A Griffin Michael R.ioti Welling- Greene Goodsmith Wm ton Goodrich Edson Grace Maurice Gannon Luke Ijeonard GitungsWimamGriswoldThe Anborn A Avery Charles DArwold John JJEW YORK AND LIVERPOOL PETEOEEHaf C0XPAHT. -Capital Stock, 1,000,000. 1GC.0CS SHARKS AT (IS XACH. eubecriptlOB Price per share.
i LANDB lULDIKS LABOELT. prosnptiT BLed. lai-bam a TMdleV Wm Reynolds Jas Koler is, ci uvui i ai oatm-ssio-i a-icDSDtA no deleterious properties. Dye, and Rose Rufus Adams ft co 8 Andrews cna AAlisup jonn Adam A AustinAdams Ezra Archer John Ho. 11 Dearborn doom IS, tup-stairs), Chicago.
In. Meeting of Price 11.00 per box six. noxe -oi- -j Post oihcr Box est. uai-auu-iw Rollo Egbert Runals Eli Rnst Heed Wallace Raab TudmondJohnMReaBF Ray Wm Roloeon Fredk Reese William Roberts A Tr. ur A tlirhae Andrews A x.
drAnoras tawira Aisnonse Jonas Arms A Anace Emerson Andrews John Druggist In every Own, vriiage, city anu uamica aOHASE GOLD COMPANY. JffiETIXG. throughout tne worm. ilegertv James Her rick Hall BonoAnderson Eli Anthony Jos RoberteChasWm 4 HeywoodFS Harris Tilton Hase Fred Harlow 3 Hancock Robert Hardenbur-t yt C. Tbetl S.
1. ISOie ir.maira are cautioned against using these The annual meeting of the Stockholders of RichM i Ryhanson Michl Robberta NOTICE OF DIVIDEND NO. Dividend or One per Cent has been declared, parable at this office Nov 30. 1W. to shareholders ot record at theclose of business thto dayVNov.
16, l-t. WALTER R. LAW-, He John 1-. es CO Alien xv as ui aumuo uuu a Atwood Alfred Astbury Ayers Sohn Anderson A revAdams A Allen Wm Adams Son Arshamlo 8 A Anserviller Wm iinrri.il-.. V.
Hii, a. ReederLewisAS TiVJli Michael Rosaell CHaf ii K.n Pills contrary to The directions accompanying each brv after which admonition the propriotor assmne the nrrn mtioxal bisk, of cmcieo, Huntington Mary mre ION, Treas 81 X. qeo-aoo-eiztia ArndtAbram Alfreds us Alien at 1 I. A vera Georf-W A Abbott no responsimitry, iima- OIL COMPANY. TcKINLEY will do no injury to neaitn.
Ait-ma Ambrose Adams ffeorge PAdams Wm wni be held st the ofllce of ssid Bank. SO J-asalle on TUESDAY, January tth, lt5, for election of Dl-tors fo? the ensuing yesr.to act upon any proposed rectors Artieies of Association. at-rTirrR rir r1VTrNDS NOS. AJTD 4. OS DANIItL 8.
DICKINSON, President. vM PH1PPS. Vice President. I BOBiBT BAS8BTT, e-t-cretary. Book are open tor sn-iseriptton at the offlee ef the tdomsany.
Ho. 1 Empire Bui ding. 71 Broadway, t. Tne ot the Compsny are situated In the heart ot the Oil Region, and include portion of those well srno-ra locvftles1 the McHtheroy farm, the two C.intock and other unproved and valuable or king territoriea, loc n.llng over Two Thousand stcre. ofthe beat Oil Territories along Oil Creek and In West Vlrulnla.
now nnder prozress ol successl-il devel-- -opment. and oil 1 already regu arly and Ivgely aro-aloced Irom several wella upon them. TAddre- the Compaat.P O. Box tass. New York.
Th Tratr nf th if-T Oil ComnsDy have de- Amet CP Ackeny Aaams a revx larMl ti month) rHvidettd Of Three OerC-PDt cninur or m. lesallv er me ba. CLARK'S DISTILLED RESTORATIVE FOR THE HAIR, Is delightfully Perfumed, and doe not turn rancid la warm weather. CLARK'S DISTILLED RESTORATIVE FOR THE HAIR, lathe only perfect Restorer of Color CLARK'S DISTTLLF.D RESTORATIVE FOR THE HALR, Is aeienttacallv preT-ared. costs only 1 peg bottle, wad kl sure so give aatutactlou.
Give it a Trial. ry For sae by Drn-ggiaU generally. In dty M-ft nd Upon all w-na-a aamie-w" Allen CJ Austin HA Angell Wm A Ashford Charles Agnew Henry Aitkin Wm Adams -Andrews Adams Hunst A miss Hull Elizabeth A mrs Halaniskie Mattie mre Hunt Sarah mre Humphrey Nora 9 mrs Hunter Clare miss Hutchson mre Herlehy mre Hawley Sarah miss a Ianees col mrs tore saiu LOMBARD. Cashier. do snppirmen-srv Dmnsaa oi i rn pr vmu TvsTftMe this orfcc Not.
so, to hrehoders ot record iiiclo ot basinesthl8ds7. Not. AL I Kit C. S- LACEY 9 Hayes Kate miss Havin Jane mrs -Hay Frank mrs Ueckard Fannie Intrcrsoll Lou mrs Jnness Mary mrs HarveChas SH-irtridge Thos Hakes Wm Hatch CH Harrington ThosHall Wm Haifcood Chas HHazletSn Hedges Louie BsttnBM Harkins capt Hammond Havne Harned Harry Hennessey HaTtoi Cbas Earrick Harry Hogget William Haisow PP HarrmanWm HaflWH 1 and Patrick Hayward Halstead 8 Haabrouk PhilipHegfrerd Chris- Harolinton A co IlaVkins nan A Hamlin ASi I anchet Heegard A HewiuCy- is HaftAN Hamilton A HenselJ HahOC Hendricks Na- Hilton HavdenBC thaniel -Hicks Phillip Harvev AH Holden A Hicks Charles Hart A HamiltonHennis AugustusHi'-key Michael Ration Jas Burn Hillier 8 HJltermsnJO Hearson PayneHiU Part lease I Ham A Hinkle A How- Hbronk-JAM10rin DoarVjorn Street, Abbott Chas H. Andrews jermnAiexanaer a Anthony A co Aspos Iver Allen Charles Ackley PaU-ick Alcott rev Ankney col Aimes Charley Adams Jemmie Anthony A capt Arnold Avers Axtel Osman a Aiken John Andrews Uctoate of ft, JS.
LAW iUIS, I Bl x. UwW- is HE CONFESSIONS AND EX- PfRIKNCB OF AN lor tn benefit and a a CAUTION TO YOFNG MK1 and nth.ra who suffer from Nervous Debllltv. Premature Rav Lewis Rogers WE' Rourk Barney Rawalt Milton Roe Robin A rSv mr Russell William Ruth Clark Riley Michael Rockwell Geo Robinson Reid Thomas Rvsn Thomas Rogers Chas RichardsonMal- Robinson Joha Riely ichi Rogers Wm Rily Thomas ReisterGW Rolsonjohn Rhodes rev Reed Geo RossJohnH Reeves Jesse. HigsTG Rolstonll Schneider An-8hears 4 eoGeo Service John ton Scott Geore Sargeaut CO A Sellars ScapJn Dennis Shanahan Tim- Smith Sanborn otby niith Amos Scales Clarence Sette George Smith Sage Son Scoville George Smith Edw i Sherwin Abner Shaw Geo lm i Salisbury sergt Seymour Sm uh Chas Amos Scott Smith A ScovflTeA SeionsHV mihpt SsffordAR SanceetTheo Smith AH SchenK John Sackett Hobart Smith A Shatdern A Severin Henry miihcaptOh-rer Schsck Sheppard Henri Smith James Opposite the Pest Office, General Travelling Agent Acker Chester Arkins Joseph Aiken WAAco 4 BASE IMITATION OP JiT PATENT PAROHMFNT COPYESa PAPER Is Jenness Mfry mrs Jeffs Nnttie miss 1 the I ibv Johnston Margaret mre Jones Bell miss Acker David Allen Joseph Allen Peter Angusttis Chas Decay of Manhood. supplying at the same time the Means Self-Care.
By one who has cured himself attr undergoing eonslderahle quackery. By ln-etcelng a postpaid ad.lresaed envelope, aingle socles may be had of the antbor. NATHANIEL MAYFAIR, Jones Gnen miss now being onerea to tne paoiH-. BEWARE OF IT! -aaaalltar- bllae S1JW lO 1B tuitlWtVS rus. A.SQ nMitlT amw -rim it.
Barnard Barman cant Office can have tbe Pills sent (confidentially) by matt Tieker Levi Baum Wm R.lr. I It Is so rotten that whea dampened toi-ctber bv lu own w-aght. Be sure MAKER'S TTNITED PIANO Bellows Geo Batcbelder Chas Bacon George Barm-all A Eck- country. C. C.
CLARX PROPRIEtORS. Jonee Merry Ann mrs Jones Dapline miss Jones Belle mis Jones Missuro mrs Johnson mrs Johnson A A mrs Johns A mrs Johnson Albro A mre Johnson Elisabeth aire to any sari or tne couuwj. Halloran Corne- Hilton Samnel STOCK COMPANY. li.km.. as rv Henrv hart line Hibbard Thomas to ask stationers for the K-VlLLIAM MASTI.
a.nA.-arV-7-nil. Sontb Wwntb-st. PhlUdelnhls grass ant cgftemitalg. Vj. 1L REED IMPOBTEKS AND JOBrrrRS OF DRUGS AXD CtfEMICiLS, 39 I-jakSt, Csalcaso, Illlaois.
---V AXSO, ZtBAt, ZA.SSXT Df 1 "PAINTS. OILS, WINDOW GLASS. RLA9SWABK, BURSTNe OILS, 8.rROEB SO APM MANUFACTUBSBsi' SOODS, ch we offer at price vocable to Weetera Mer 7 and Mwrniactrirer. htj. H.
Rsm 114 Peart saeet. N.Y.I H. A. Buata-trr. cbh-a--r.
eeW-mrflS-a Chartered 1 N4 Walker Htreet, rXei-tv York. rtmr ars-anlzaUon enable us to ftarnish better Piano Bates Wm Falwin George Bailey Orren Bartlett A co Baily George Baxter A dr BairdMC Barnet Barron mr Barks ttir Bassett Baily Mark rttt Mnre. nmrvr Barnnm A G- COSS. SEW HATE. patent HaDiator.
than any other house. These Pianos are only tor sal at bKiTH Nixoa'e new and spleauid warerooms. and therl Is no other agency In Chicago 00 Hanley 3 3 Hanna 3 Hayes James Hanlv John Haw kins John Harnett John Par ton John HavJohn Harris Wm Harvey Hatton Wm Harnsbrough SherlockPatrickSapborn uenry rjm. Fateheln A coBateman SsmuelBishop Marion Depot, Heath A A Hicks A Hally A Higley A Healey PJ UiattFM Heegaard A Hitchcock Hall David Higginson Hamilton Hinkly Heck Samuel Hickey 3 Hamilton Frank Hickey 3 Higgins Tno Hendricks 8 A Hicks mr HatTiraral 8 3 Hoffman Francis Kerr Catherine mrs Kerrigan Nellie miss Savoy isdwara r-u-mtrou i Shnmway Sheeky James TOUR FUEL. Bacbn Wm 3 Bach Daniel lient Ttsnrea Jos Barlow Richard BernselBenet AVE James Martha A mre Jaquee mre Jackson Mary miss -Jackson Eliza rare Jennies Fsnnie miss -Jurtis mrs Jenkins A mre -Jewell Abba A mre Jennings Mary mrs Kain Mary Keho Catherine miss Keeler Jaate miss Keene Anna mise Keeler rankle miss -Keeshan Mary mis Keeler mrs Keating mrs Keegan Mary Ana mrs Keith A mrs Kelog Mysonmre Keller Elizabeth miss Kelly mre Kelly Bridget mre Kanaday Catherine miss Ceaeral TSTtolesale Agents far CWeaga, SJ St 86 ITIarfcce Street.
West Chicago J. BOEMHEID. and GALE BROTHERS. f.dociab5(l-St-bdpl Smith Thomas Smith Dix Smith 8 Smith Ledyard Smith 3 Suith John Smith William XTTlVESOF PRISONERS OF -War can draw tbetr bushn-rs pay by apply-' Ins bT letter or peraonally to HokERloOK ft CO. "vTruTent AgnU.
DIckej'sBuil-ling. thic.go. J1L AlriTdlechsiged soldiers, who are minus ttielr sul-rsnce bounty. can obtain thessme. i3-ann-iw BtTT Paldwin John MBaer Reuben Bur an Spencer Bailey John Baldwin David capt Bailey Joseph Barton Biington Muton ScrueglesPS SandfordJ Scully DanielS Sheila James Sanders Cbas Serrel Jacob Samuel Devid Sanders JM SunfordRS Salter JT i tr rv Rcbnle.
Joha HYZES'S PATE2TT liADIATOll, William 23 Chicago. AX-nB SMITH DWYLB. ffK't COaC. G. SM1TB.
Smith Huramion WmGileath Hawood Cartr Hatherly Wm Hammond Flo- lidge A co am anna taf TTasjas Taweawsl a Aa tmptwmeb o- A-a in-i-i thaa anvllunr ever yet Kimball Susan miss Klatter A mr Kline Lizzie mr Kimball Mary mrs Kingsbury Hattie mre Klpp Mary mrs Kinser Seleef miss Kremer Magdalen mrs Koiter A mre Key mrs Knott Eliza mre Sc'reder Isaac Scott PeacJrmn Smi th Lathrnp Bard Isaac BachelderUO -I Barclay James Barrett Con verseBenedict Farkley Henry Barrons Cbas 3 Bradly Moses i 3est Lewis Bongate Joseph Burke John Betts Lewis Bradley Jim Burke David I i. RMcknriil milM-tn'-lt Abram TnventeS" with double the W. tor s.ie'dexhlblttoa TJ? BALLWIN aV IsALslM "MEW INVENTION. H. Von J-N KymrT-i AroTnalie for piano farnl-ture highly new Invention, will net only clean, hut arlve.
a darable aew poilaa to every Sanford Edwin Shipp Johnny a gmiu. Smith car ne Hollsud MorrisO Severts T- O. BOX ISO. Sherman Curtis Sandv John Smith rev HM gvU Joha Smith LAwrence "T3RIGGS GOLD COMPANY. JL NOTTCItO" tIv-SfcND No.
Dlvldead i One per cent hse been declared, pay-hie at thi office Nov. SDih. 18M to shsr-ehoMers ot reoord at trie ios. of businews this Nov 1 j. UsJ.
WLISRJ' Jtka N.V. de-a5S-Utis n-w--it Hayes Wm Hall Henry Harris LaFsvetteHamilton Bart Michael UU Harry UL.t Um i. Ttowin Henrv Burson Amos Hughes L. Uogao, Wm Bemoer it Scott Elias oniecr to oe polished, man is a nil n. Randolph and Dearborn streets, solo ftgeets al- Beaubien Booth Harry Burdick Franka eago, 4-tHAU-im.