Did Star Wars 9's Plot Leak? We Explain (2024)

A leaked plot description for Star Wars: Episode IX has made its way online, and it’s worth analyzing to determine its validity. As fans await this summer’s Solo: A Star Wars Story in theaters, Lucasfilm is gearing up to begin production on the sequel trilogy finale. J.J. Abrams has a script in place for Episode IX, which is set to start filming in July. Outside of a few casting call descriptions, details concerning the movie are being kept under wraps, which admittedly is nothing new for the studio.

Related: Every Star Wars 9 Update You Need To Know

Whenever something as massive as Star Wars is involved, there is bound to be rampant speculation about what’s in store. Most of the time, it’s just wild rumors (as was the case with a Last Jedi “plot leak” from last year), but sometimes there’s fire to the smoke. That could be the case with this piece of Episode IX information, as the source in question has a somewhat mixed track record, but did accurately predict some elements of Episode VIII a couple of years ago. Let’s delve into it.

What is the Star Wars 9 Plot Leak?

Did Star Wars 9's Plot Leak? We Explain (1)

The leak comes from Reddit user FOOSLS, who claims to have read an early storyboard for Star Wars 9. It details two separate plot threads that will make up a bulk of the movie. Set five years after The Last Jedi (John Boyega has hinted at a time jump), the main narrative finds the galaxy in some state of peace. New Supreme Leader Kylo Ren is said to be a “benevolent” ruler, and there are those in the Resistance who are questioning why they’re still fighting. The main heroes, including Rey, Leia, and Poe, know the threat of the First Order is real and continue to try to stop them. They then receive a tip from a First Order mole that could change the course of the conflict.

With the intel, the Resistance heads to a planet in the Unknown Regions (a point of emphasis in the books), where they rescue a “female alien prodigy” who is key to navigating the area. Afterwards, they discover an ocean world that houses a manufacturing station “powered by the populations of conquered worlds.” It’s because of this the First Order has so many resources at their disposal. The mission becomes “liberating the captives” and then alerting the galaxy to what is happening in the Unknown Regions. In a plot twist, it’s revealed none other than General Hux is the rat, which is his attempt to turn everyone against his bitter rival Kylo Ren so he can usurp control of the First Order. Hux is known to be cunning, even eliminating his father en route to his post as general, so it wouldn’t be surprising to see him gain control from Kylo.

Did Star Wars 9's Plot Leak? We Explain (2)

Speaking of Ren, he’s the focus of the main subplot. He has dispatched the Knights of Ren to hunt Force users across the universe. In turn, many of them have found Rey to be protected. The leak goes on to suggest a continuation of Rey and Kylo Ren’s Force connection, with the two communicating with each other from time to time. Over the course of the movie, it’ll become clear the two are in love with each other. Most shockingly, it’s revealed Rey has a child (the father of whom is unknown), something that makes Kylo Ren so angry, he almost kills Rey in a fit of jealousy. It’s Leia who ends up saving Rey at the end.

One of the reasons why this doesn’t seem completely farfetched is the same Reddit user coincidentally saw an “early storyboard” of The Last Jedi two years ago and outlined the plot in a separate post. While some elements were entirely off-base (Rey being a student at Luke’s training temple, Captain Phasma placing a bounty on Finn’s head), others were very accurate. Well before anyone saw Episode VIII, FOOSLS told us about Kylo Ren killing Snoke and a journey to a casino planet described as the “Las Vegas” of Star Wars. It’s possible FOOSLS is telling the truth, but the complicated story of Episode IX’s development raises a fair amount of questions.

Page 2: Why The Star Wars 9 Plot Leak Isn't Accurate

Did Star Wars 9's Plot Leak? We Explain (3)

Why The Star Wars 9 Plot Leak Isn’t Accurate

FOOSLS admits what he saw essentially amounts to a first draft, but there are holes fans can poke in the leak right away. For starters, since Leia is an integral part of this description, the leak has to be from early on in Colin Trevorrow’s time on the project. Originally, the General was going to be at the forefront of the finale, but Carrie Fisher’s death drastically altered those plans. Additionally, Trevorrow was eventually replaced by J.J. Abrams due to creative differences with Lucasfilm. Upon his hiring, Abrams went to work co-writing a script with Chris Terrio. Since the screenplay was a sticking point in Trevorrow’s departure, it’s reasonable to assume Abrams started from scratch and came up with an entirely new concept.

Related: Everything We Know About Trevorrow's Episode 9

There are also aspects of this leak that do not add up with the events of The Last Jedi, most notably the idea of Kylo Ren as a benevolent leader. Anyone with a passing familiarity of the character knows he is defined by his rage and emotions, so it’s very difficult to see him settling down as a peaceful man. His last words to Luke were a threat indicating he would make it his life’s mission to destroy Rey and whatever was left of the fledgling Rebellion. As Skywalker said, the war was just beginning after Crait, so it would make for an odd jump for people to be questioning the need to fight (something from the Force Awakens novelization) one movie later. Hux is also bloodthirsty for the Resistance, so he’ll be keen on wiping the heroes off the face of the galaxy. When Star Wars 9 picks up, we should be in an all-out war where our characters have grown weary of the ongoing conflict.

Did Star Wars 9's Plot Leak? We Explain (4)

Ever since their debuts inThe Force Awakens, fans have been quick to 'ship Rey and Kylo Ren, affectionately dubbing the couple as "Reylo."Episode VIII certainly played into that dynamic with the two's intimate "Force Skype" sessions (which culminated in a tender moment of touching hands), but any chance they had at love seemed to have died by the end of the film. Not only did Kylo vow to Luke he would destroy Rey in his quest to rule over the galaxy, Rey had given up on Ben Solo ever returning, severing their connection by closing theMillennium Falcon ramp. That was a visual representation of her shutting Kylo out of her world as she looks to rebuild the rebellion with her friends. This isn't to say she's not disappointed in Kylo's actions, but to suggest she's harboring romantic feelings for him feels outlandish. The addition of a surprise love child is also curious, as that twist would raise more questions than answers. The sequels have largely bypassed a love angle, and even Daisy Ridley feels it's not necessary forStar Wars 9.

This isn't to completely discard the leak as entirely false. As stated earlier, FOOSLS' info onThe Last Jedi was semi-accurate in some places and even matched various stages ofEpisode VIII development. His Reddit post from two years ago said it was Poe who went with Finn to Canto Bight, which was Rian Johnson's initial plan. So, it's possible certain elements ofEpisode IX are actually here. Again, it isn't out of the question to think General Hux will try to usurp Kylo Ren as Supreme Leader, and obviously Rey's dynamic with Kylo is going to be an integral part of the storyline. Still,Episode IX has gone through so many different iterations (the script has received at least 4 passes by now), it's hard to put stock in any rumors until the cameras start rolling.


There's honestly no telling whereEpisode IX will go after Johnson basically gave Abrams a clean slate from which to work. Operating mostly as a standalone of sorts with no obvious cliffhanger to pick up,The Last Jedi re-established the status quo and gave Lucasfilm numerous possibilities to consider. It'll be interesting to see where the creative team goes, and there will surely be no shortage of speculation. But until official details begin to come out next year during promotion, it's best to take everything (no matter how valid it may seem) with a healthy grain of salt.

MORE: So, What's Episode 9 Going to Be About?

Source: FOOSLS

Key Release Dates

  • Han SoloRelease Date:2018-05-25
  • Star Wars: Episode IX- The Rise of SkywalkerRelease Date:2019-12-20
Did Star Wars 9's Plot Leak? We Explain (2024)


Did Star Wars 9's Plot Leak? We Explain? ›

The leak comes from Reddit user FOOSLS, who claims to have read an early storyboard for Star Wars 9. It details two separate plot threads that will make up a bulk of the movie. Set five years after The Last Jedi

The Last Jedi
The Last Jedi follows Rey as she seeks the aid of Luke Skywalker in hopes of turning the tide for the Resistance in the fight against Kylo Ren and the First Order while General Leia Organa, Finn, and Poe Dameron attempt to escape a First Order attack on the dwindling Resistance fleet.
https://en.wikipedia.org › wiki › Star_Wars:_The_Last_Jedi
(John Boyega has hinted at a time jump), the main narrative finds the galaxy in some state of peace.

What went wrong with Star Wars Episode 9? ›

Each movie exists just to tear down and apologize for what came before it. Anakin/Vader's entire character arc is completely and unforgivably undermined after this film. Overall the movie was so bloated and overstuffed with choppy pacing to course-correct from The Last Jedi. It's Flanderization in action.

What is the plot of Star Wars Episode 9? ›

Who is the lady Rey talks to at the end of The Rise of Skywalker? ›

During their interaction, Rey identify herself as "Rey Skywalker," and while the woman was not given a name, only being identified as "Tatooine Elder" in the credits, her appearance nonetheless raised some serious questions.

Who does Rey see at the end of Rise of Skywalker? ›

Rey tests out her snazzy new yellow lightsaber before being interrupted by an old woman, who asks her name. Rey sees, and smiles, at Luke and Leia's Force Ghosts. She tells the old busybody her name is Rey Skywalker.

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13 of the Scariest Star Wars Scenes
  • Dance with the Dianoga (Star Wars: A New Hope) ...
  • Don't Look Outside (Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back) ...
  • We Would Be Honored If You Would Join Us (Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back) ...
  • Journey in the Cave (Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back) ...
  • Oh No, the Rancor! (
Oct 31, 2023

Was Rise of Skywalker a flop? ›

It's been well storied at this point, but it's still worth repeating: Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker had an incredibly disappointing box office run. While the film grossed over $1 billion worldwide, it had the poorest showing of any of the recent Star Wars sequels.

What was Finn going to tell Rey? ›

Abrams said that Finn was actually going to tell her that he is force sensitive. Well, the movie made it seem like he was going to tell her that he loved her, but it was later clarified that he was really going to tell her that he was also Force-sensitive.

How is Rey a Skywalker? ›

Despite being enemies, Rey and Ren share a connection called a "Force dyad" and eventually join forces. Following Palpatine's defeat, Rey adopts the name Rey Skywalker to honor her mentors.

Was Carrie Fisher's daughter in Star Wars? ›

Lourd also appeared in the second installment, Star Wars: The Last Jedi (2017), and the third, Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker (2019). Lourd also played her mother's character for a brief flashback in the film in which her face was digitally replaced by Fisher's likeness, using imagery from Return of the Jedi.

Is Rey actually Luke's daughter? ›

Born on the planet Hyperkarn in 15 ABY, Rey was the daughter of Dathan and Miramir. While their names were lost to history, Rey's father was the cloned son—an artificial genetic strandcast—of the resurrected Darth Sidious, making her the granddaughter of the fallen Galactic Emperor and Dark Lord of the Sith.

Is Rey actually Palpatine's daughter? ›

Similarly to how the clones consider themselves to be brothers but not part of the Fett family, Rey has no true relationship nor lineage to Palpatine.

Why is BB-8 with Rey at the end? ›

In turn, BB-8's presence during the final scene with Rey gave the film a chance to honor the newer generation of characters. With Poe acting as the General of the Resistance following Leia's death, he may have given Rey the responsibility of watching over BB-8.

Why did Rey bury the two lightsabers? ›

Why Did Rey Bury the Lightsabers? Since Luke and Leia, her masters, have become one with the Force, this is her way of honoring them by putting their weapons to rest. It also shows that Rey is burying the past while carrying it with her — both in her spirit and in the lightsaber she now wields.

Whose lightsaber was Rey holding at the end? ›

As I mentioned, Rey buries Luke and Leia's twin sabers in the sand and then she gets out something new: her own lightsaber with a gleaming golden blade. Up until now, Rey has mostly been using Anakin's old blue lightsaber—just as Luke did for a time before her.

Why did Leia's body disappear when Ben died? ›

Maz Kanata's smile as she sees Leia's body pass into the Force only after Ben's death seems to indicate Leia, a true Jedi, knew what her ultimate purpose was in Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker. It was to save and redeem her son, and in turn, redeem the Skywalker family.

What is the disease in Star Wars? ›

Rakghoul Plague

A mere bite or scratch from an infected host and within a span of six to 48 hours you turn into a Rakghoul, a monstrous, mindless creature brought about by a Sith engineered disease concocted by the ancient Sith Lord Lord Karness Muur.

What was Palpatine's mistake? ›

As a new episode of The Bad Batch Season 3 reveals, Palpatine's biggest mistake was rallying and urging on the Separatists during the Clone Wars. Sure, it threw the Republic into chaos and helped him seize power, but it also helped inspire the very Rebel Alliance that brought him down.

Why is Star Wars Return of the Jedi so bad? ›

Return of the Jedi had to resolve cliffhangers and tie up the trilogy's Jabba the Hutt subplot, but the writers could have done so more efficiently. Luke's Return of the Jedi plan makes no sense, as it's unnecessarily complicated and only worked out because the script needed it to.

Why did Star Wars come out in the wrong order? ›

Key Takeaways. Starting with Episode IV in the middle of the saga allowed Lucas to introduce an expansive world. The release of the prequel trilogy helped Lucas achieve his original vision of an epic story told over generations.

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